I prefer to spin the wheel of destiny.
I prefer to spin the wheel of destiny.
Tune the radio to NPR and hope Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me is on.
We’re so fucked.
Dude, she told you all her kids were crabs. This is on you.
The internet often makes me wish I was funny enough to think of an analogy that involves babies and cannons. This is another example.
Doing pretty well at just 27. I don’t feel anything until the mobile Chrome tab button is a smiley face.
There was a study done on this kind of mentality. Researches invited pairs of players and before each game flipped a coin to designate one player rich and the other poor. The rich player was then given more money and an easier set of rules. At the end of the game they interviewed the player that inevitably won, and in all cases the players reported that they won because of key decisions they made while playing. Not one mentioned they got lucky with the coin flip.
Summary and interview with a researcher: https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/19/why-rich-people-tend-think-they-deserve-their-money/amp/
Study (pdf): https://studenttheses.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2661526/view
My brain doesn’t know how to parse this. BRB with more mustard.
This is what we do at work.