3 months agotried to switch to it when I transitioned from Gnome to Plasma and gave up. it takes up to a minute to start up (!) as my library is on a network share, has spotty MPRIS support, it intermitently crashes just sitting there idle, and the radio player doesn’t display artist and song. so went back to rhythmbox and I’ll check back in a year or so.
I just gave this a cursory look a while back and re-checked it now… what’s free about it? available for their in-house model and some xperia models? and they want money for a licence? found no forks of the thing and their github doesn’t have the source, or I suck at searching.
hated the video you posted, beyond terrible with bad production choices, jumping all over the place. once the author allows the scene to last more than 3 seconds, the janky-ness of the UI is apparent.
them jolla dudes need to really opensource this thing so that it runs on the widest possible hardware and get a chance of becoming relevant, as we need mobile OS alternatives; postmarketOS is nowhere close to being usable.