I’m re-reading Eye of the World for the first time in about 15 year and see both CG and CE going on in spades…
This is me and I’m OK with it. Or whatevs
Damn, those are some serious Gowron vibes!
Phylis Schlafly. She cosplayed as a frumpy housewife while turning the wheels behind the scenes to help wed the evangelical movement with the GOP. While basically advocating for women to be chained to the stove. She is one of the greatest political operatives of the 20th century, helping slow and undo SO much social progress.
I was very lucky insofar as to be raised by a second wave feminist mother (1970s so I think that’s the right cadre). She was active in NOW and basically an equal partner to my father in just about all things.
Had I not, I’d like to think I’d have stumbled upon it eventually.
I wish I believed in hell, so Limbaugh could burn for his two faced sophistry for eternity. Then again, he was basically the archetypal prosperity gospel flavor of Christian, so who knows.
EVERYONE needs feminism.
I was taking a history class at my local junior college when the professor asked who in the class identified as a feminist. I’m an old white guy in a class full of kids (finally getting a degree) and was one of only 3 people to raise their hands. He explained that he doesn’t since he’s for equality for all or some such.
I was honestly shocked to see this 30 something guy who at least sounds fairly progressive, and who has been to some legitimately horrifying parts of the world doing conflict journalism, being blase about this fight.
Celebrating murder feels wrong and bad.
But the death of this vile parasite who presided over a nearly 150% increase in denials while living a life of careless excess is a net good.
Great call on the BtB episodes on ‘Muscular Christianity’.
Also the welding of bits of evangelicism, Catholic anti-abortion tenets and the republican party in the 60s in their episodes on Phylis Schlafly is both eye opening and horrifying. She’s one of the greatest political operatives of the modern era, and we’re paying the price for it.
Also gen-X. And very suspicious.
Wait… dinosaurs like a mating pair of T-rex that somehow survived Chicxulub only to evolve into smaller versions of themselves, retaining the absurdly small hands and killin’ fever.
That might explain something…
Not even the difficulty. Just the relentless pop-in of enemies. Endless and boring.
Yes, then I remember how much I dislike Ashlands…
I don’t remember that in my copy of The Anhkana…
I’m lucky to have both.
The pain gets worse every year, but I’ve been dealing with it for closing in on 50 years so… meh I’m mostly used to it.
The tinnitus has a similar timeframe but seems to be getting worse MUCH faster. And is so much more distracting and ruinous to quality of life.
As you obviously understand the best way to properly dry a martini (what kind of loon would line dry the component liquids), you have my vote!
SoCal coast here. First storm in 9 or so months… this is madness.