Check those sources, its Zenz all the way down. These have been debunked over and over again, even reddit doesn’t believe this anymore.
Check those sources, its Zenz all the way down. These have been debunked over and over again, even reddit doesn’t believe this anymore.
Also kind of boggling that you’re calling mintpressnews and other anti-imperialist sources, as breitbart. Do you skip the parts about Zenz, the source of these claims, being a far-right evangelical anti-semite?
Okay, good job ignoring all those while not engaging with any of the arguments. I’ll try pictures, since that might be at your level.
Why do all the Muslim countries support China’s Xinjiang policy, and don’t believe there’s a genocide going on, while only the imperialist euro-american countries think there is:
Anything to back that up other than white-supremacist vibes?
Because the majority of Muslim countries disagree with you. The only ones who believe that China has forced labor, are the US and UK, countries that have been bombing Muslim countries for decades.
Someone should tell that UN reporter to stop using anti-semitic US state department sources then.
Some sources debunking this are
For all I know, your one liner responses are no different from pro-Zionist hasbara casting doubt on UN reports on Palestine.
Also notably, it’s the WUC (a far right org that again your reporter cited) that supports Israel.
I looked that doc, and they source debunked Zenz reports, and WUC. So nothing new.
Washington was the richest man in the US at the time, and had the most to gain from indigenous eviction. The Iroquios named him “the town destroyer”, for burning down dozens of their cities. He also owned slaves and supported the institution just like most presidents after him (I think 10 presidents in a row were southern slave-holders like himself).
And also, its the US, not China, that has slave labor camps. Just because an anti-semitic evangelical christian (adrian zenz) who works for the US government claims that China has forced labor, doesn’t make it so. These claims have been debunked over and over.
Seems like a good time to link the list of US atrocities
There were plenty of peers, even UK and European ones, that opposed the US colonial project. Read Losurdo - Liberalism, a counter-history if you want an in-depth look at the debates of the time.
Obama’s legacy:
Biden’s legacy:
The democrats are a brutal, vicious, genocidal party.
The democrats (just like US republicans) are a party of genocide:
It doesn’t. There are plenty of bourgeois democracies that don’t use FPTP for all their voting: Japan, Australia, South Korea for some of their elections. Doesn’t make a difference (except it might make the bribery a bit more expensive, since you have to buy off more political parties than just two).
The fundamental problem is capital standing above political power. If it does so, then no amount of alternative voting systems can fix the issue. Socialism is the only answer.
Jefferson didn’t hate slavery, he even pledged support for France against Haiti’s slave rebellion.
The nazi’s eugenics programs were copy-pasted from California’s even, they were explicit about that.
There’s a joke that if you ask 10 people to define fascism, you’ll get 10 different answers.
It’s an imprecise term whose definition changes with every author who makes a try of it. Even the more popular lists of traits like Eco’s or Paxton’s have a lot of issues and contradictions which ppl have pointed out.
Any posts that even mention fascism always devolve into ppl trying and failing to agree on its definition, the point of this deflective practice enabling ppl to uphold their own liberal democracies as being sacred and less genocidal.
Anyone downvoting this, should be able to explain why what the the US and European powers did to Africa, Asia, and the americas during the 1700-1900s, was any better or fundamentally different than what fascist formulations from 1920-1945 did. And those atrocities were all done using a far more stable form of government: bourgeois parliamentarism / liberal democracy.
People really need to read Losurdo’s - Liberalism, a counter-history. Liberals invented the slave trade, and the victorian holocausts. The only difference between them and the fascists, are that they’re far better at colonialism and genocide than the fascists were.
I was reading Clara Zetkin recently, and at the turn of the century it was popular within the socialist movement to call capitalists, “idlers”.
The true lazy moochers of the world are those who own lifetimes of stolen labor, not the people who just want something to eat and a roof over their heads.
I think you’re underselling the legitimate dire fear modern leftists have when they see the brutality of the periphery returning home.
Liberal democracies have historically been as brutal to their domestic populations as any historical fascist formulation. You can look at how the US treated (and still treats) it’s internal colonies / minorities. Nazi Germany explicitly wanted to carry out in eastern europe, what the US successfully carried out against native peoples, and failed.
Even outside of internal colonies, if you look at how the US or Britain treated its workers or its poor of their own races(they arguably entirely defeated its domestic working class movement, rebased their countries on finance capital, and exported class struggle to the global south), it doesn’t look any different than how the historical fascist countries also defeated their working class movements.
To me, the basis of this is western chauvinism, and belief that “liberal democracy” isn’t far worse. By pointing a finger at fascism, they get to keep their belief in the supremacy of their mode of government, that continues to wreak havoc on not just the globe, but internally also. It’s a subtle form of western-supremacist scapegoating (pointing a finger at a settler-colonialism that dared to attack western countries also)
US cops kill ~1000 people every year, imprisons thousands of innocent people in its war on drugs and enslaves them in prison camps, keeps ~40k immigrants in prison camps (about 7k of them are children), and holds many political prisoners. The US even executed an innocent man just a few months ago.
Oh, and just like 2 years ago facebook handed over chat messages of a woman helping her daughter get an abortion to local cops. She’s in prison now.
And these are only recent things, the US is an entire country built upon the graves of indigenous peoples: something nazi germany aspired and failed to do in eastern europe.
You can find a lot more here