Just 24 quid a month, that’s a steal!
Terminal stage of console
Just 24 quid a month, that’s a steal!
Welcome to the vergecast, the flagship podcast of left wing propaganda
In all seriousness though, this is one of the podcasts I tune in to religiously. It’s just too fun and serves as a great high level of “what’s up in big tech” even when my brain is mush.
I think there were 0 instances of Quora being useful when I search for things. At this point I just ignore Quora results completely, just because chances are whatever is on there are just shills and word salad people.
Depends on what kind of data, if it’s mostly internal documents / dumps of whatever communication systems they use etc, it would not be too large (mostly because of retention policies on that software).
If it is actually the data straight from Reddit’s production databases, then 80GB does sound questionable. But then what kind of data are we talking about? Is it actually valuable?
Anyways, this is big (if true).
But you get stories now! Yaaaay 🌚
I use https://reeder.app/ with https://feedly.com account. Checks all the boxes between being able to access my RSS feed on any device (as Feedly has a website) and having a great user experience on my phone / laptop.
I mean, you can probably use whatever reminders app you have on the computing device variety you prefer :)
My gripe with people posting links to paywalled websites is an assumption I must be subscribed to that source already. Or that I’m willing to subscribe on the spot just to read the article.
Regarding ads vs per website subscription, in an ideal world we’d have some kind of Spotify for magazines, but it ain’t happening so I might as well just accept the ads and read the article. Beats just looking at the paywall in frustration.