I remember these little sample bags with all the different coins.
I still have some of those saved somewhere.
Also the plastic cards that you tilted and showed a value in € and pts (our old currency).
I remember these little sample bags with all the different coins.
I still have some of those saved somewhere.
Also the plastic cards that you tilted and showed a value in € and pts (our old currency).
Four handed counter hacking on the same keyboard was peak TV.
I just don’t get professional sports.
IMHO sports should only be for fun.
Afaik it can, buy not this way.
I’m not mathmatician but I got explained once that there are “levels” of Infinity, and some can be larger than others, but this case is supposed to be the same level.
I dont really know much about this topic so take it with a grain of salt.
I use thunderbird, though it really feels like it has terrible performance for me. Feels like a really heavy program for just an email client.
Still better than having ads on your client.
I genuinely tried to look for a legit way to make it an option for paying in a small online store without having to depend on paypal or a bank gateway.
Well transaction fees for any big coin are like many dollars per transaction. It’s ridiculous. For smaller transaction fees you have to go to smaller coins that can disappear or lose half their value one day to the next.
And still, if we forget thar people wouls need to pay like a 14€ fee for 1€ transaction. They still have to go to a exange to change their money, and then I have to change it back, because very little things can be bought with crypto, less with cryptos that doesn’t have ridiculous transaction fees.
Did I mention than transaction are not instantaneous either? Unless you pay big transaction fee or use some obscure coin that no one uses.
At the end, I ended up with paypal. I really wanted a way to be “independent” of big companies for transaction. But crypto is completely ruined (if it was ever functional that I doubt it). It’s not a coin, they are just speculation and bets. With cybercrime and drug dealing being the only “real” uses it has.
I have many doubts about that level of privacy.
Until it’s done we won’t know. But my bet is that tax agencies over Europe would be able to get annual resumes of the accounts (anual flow and total amount without details of individual transactions). And under a judge order individual transactions wouls be able to be revealed.
But surely I won’t spect cash level of privacy.
I barely use cash nowadays. And my bank don’t really give me any interest so it would be interesting to just have the money on the ecb.
Though I suspect banks would still require to be linked with them to let you apply to a mortage, so… there goes the dream of a bankless life.
They really need to make do not track binding by law.