75 million people is the estimated death tool of WW2.
For comparison Vietnam war has an estimation of 1.3 million deaths.
75 million people is the estimated death tool of WW2.
For comparison Vietnam war has an estimation of 1.3 million deaths.
If you are sitting just slap your legs while saying “Well…” and doing a noise like you were a 107 yo who just got up for first time in 13 years.
I don’t listen to anything in any of those scenarios.
Many people are not listening music 24/7.
Music is nice, I don’t say it’s not. But you could 100% live without it.
I’d argue against giving false hopes.
Learning to love yourself is good. But people should be aware that there’s a good chance they’ll never find love in their whole lives. That’s a reality some people need to prepare to.
It’s not the end of the world. No one wants to live without love but it happens even to the best of people. The best someone can do is just learning how to live by themselves and enjoy that kind of life.
If love eventually comes, good luck, but it’s not a guarantee. And if someone has been single for a long time (I mean the better part of their adult life) chances are they will just be single for life, or at least without proper love. And people need to be prepare for that, because it’s not easy.
All news agencies in my country have a tik tok account and regularly use it to publish exactly the same news as they do on their newspapers or on TV. I don’t see how watching that news on tik tok is any different that turning on the TV and watching it there.
I think that’s a euphemism for “a pat in the head”. As I said, I think is a movie aimed to a very specific subset of people, of which I don’t belong. The set of people that also enjoy that doomsday climate clock that I keep bringing out because I think it gives away the same kind of emotions to people who liked that movie.
And for people that does not feel rewarded just for a movie, or a clock or whatever, saying to you “good for worrying”, the movie becomes nothing, it’s empty of anything else. It’s a very simple 75 million dollar message that says “feel better than others, feel special for worrying”. Also the whole message becomes a little ridiculous, when it’s delivered on the biggest media platform, with millions in budget, a bunch of famous actors acting on it, and then praised by millions of people.
To me it feels like those conservative figures that say that they are being cancelled while they are live on national TV. It’s just silly. And this movie gives the same vibes to me. Talking about the big ignored problem to an audience of millions of people that purposely went there to see the movie about the big ignored problem.
I’m just giving my opinion on why that movie is bad.
I know that probably in the States now even liking or not liking a movie is a political statement, and that some people “like it” just because they have to. But it’s a bad movie. I’ve watch a lot of crap, and most times I power through it to at least see the ending. Imagine how bad had to be that I thought that it wasn’t even worth to try to see the whole thing.
I tried to watch that movie. But I quit it 15 minutes in.
What was even the point? It wasn’t funny, it wasn’t enjoyable, it wasn’t dramatic.
It’s like “look, here is a blatantly obvious metaphor on climate change” that’s our whole movie.
It seemed aimed for a very particular subset of people that wanted to feel a pat on the head or something. I feel like it’s the same people who enjoy that big ass climate change doom clock.
Just too much virtue signalling for my taste. Without actually making anything useful.
If I ever implant myself with a chip for brain augmentation is going to be an adblock that acts directly on my neocortex. The ultimate block.
Technical possibilities to circumvent a law are not part of my argument here.
As an adult, that’s my choice to make, not the government.
Imagine cheering that your government decided witch social media are you allowed to use.
Why wouldn’t they? if being withing a specific social construct makes you uncomfortable best thing to do is to change the social construct.
I haven’t see the wire. But I don’t remember they doing that in CSI Miami, they just solved murder cases in ingenious ways.
For some people CSI is like extreme propaganda. Then they proceded to eat a literal propaganda video from a terrorist group that’s literally murdering people and justifying why they are murdering people and be cool with that. The other guy literally threatened me over that, it’s crazy.
So only bad guys solve murder cases?
Good guys let random vicious murders on the loose.
I should trust an obvious propaganda expert , but I don’t know…
Bro thinks Startship Troopers is actual army propaganda.
Get into self hosting.
Smart everything without subscriptions. And with you in control.
I’m not used AI because i mostly do games with pixel art and AI is shit for that.
But I do my shit tier pixel art done by myself. I cannot hire anyone for a shitty game that I’m just going to post online for free. Not everyone is monetizing everything they do. And if I’m not monetizing I’m not investing money into it either.
Just syphon other people’s eggs contents using a long straw whenever they are distracted.