I read that entire article, thank you. Explains a bit why the company I work for seems really hesitant to hire more software engineers.
Reddit refuge, escentric engineer and serial hobbyist.
I read that entire article, thank you. Explains a bit why the company I work for seems really hesitant to hire more software engineers.
My mother in law tells me how worried she is for my daughter and how unfair it is trans kids will compete with her in sports and use her bathrooms. Thanks for the heads up, keep hiding in your house in the woods and leave the parenting to me, this doesn’t affect you now shut up.
You have to park in a garage and walk down a narrow path lined with people trying to sell you shit. Its more like visiting a mall with aggressive salesmen than a national park. It was the worst stop I made during a cross country road trip.
Thank you. I’ve been subscribed to this sub for months and didn’t know a damn thing just that it consistently produced amusing content. Please proceed you glorious bastards.
Did you read the sign on my front door? No distro solicitors. Get off my lawn.
The Jehovah’s witness of lemmy
I work on consumer electronic ear buds. Frigging ear buds, and we support this…
I had a guy in a pickup drive right into my 8ft long trailer when I as stopped at a light. He pulled up to me while I was stopped fine, but then he couldn’t see my trailer and 30 seconds later started rolling forward while the light was still red and hit it. I was very annoyed and when I talked to him he said he forgot it was there and couldn’t see it. I was speechless.
I’m not wondering that, I’m cheering you on. I’m wondering why we don’t do his ourselves. Safety in numbers, use the collective empathy to motivate that which has no empathy. I love it.
I’m almost 40 and now just realizing my insistence on how to structure all my folders and notes is actually an ISO standard. Way to go me.