I’ve been using Samsung Dex or Windows 11’s Phone Link to open the app on my desktop.
We’re still waiting in my opinion. Usable? Yes. Good? No. They all have some downside still and kinks to be ironed out.
But I assume he would have had some up front investment that she didn’t participate in.
Image Transcription: Greentext
>driving with friend
>accidentally grab his leg instead of gearstick
>we both laugh and I unzip his pants
>park the car while fondling his balls
>friend is laughing because he knows it’s just a joke
>start sucking his dick on this empty parking lot
>almost choke on his dick because i’m laughing so hard
>friend is also laughing his ass off
>he starts making train noises while yelling “BROJOB BROJOB! CHOO CHOO”
>he cums and I swallow it all like some stupid faggot
>kiss my friend and call him a faggot while laughing
Gotta love playing pranks on my friends
I’m a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!
Image Transcription: Text
Hi brain, you obstinate fucker. I drank the clear splashy stuff. I ate the green things. I went under that bright fucker up there. I did the thing with the moving and sweating and whatnot. Now make the happy chemical, you lump of fuck.
I’m a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!
1070 gang checking in