You can click on the “Show context” button to see who I responded to in order to gauge the proper context of ethical landlord in this case.
You can click on the “Show context” button to see who I responded to in order to gauge the proper context of ethical landlord in this case.
There’s no set 8-5 M-F schedule like there is when working in an office.
that’s why I mentioned the weird schedule they always have. My current one has some shit like Saturday 1 pm to 4 pm and then they don’t reopen until Tuesday at noon then are closed again on Wednesday. Like what the fuck.
I never see my landlord doing shit like that. Just show people to new apartments usually.
I work from home and look outside. I see people move in and move out all the time. I rarely see the guy in charge doing anything other than handing over some keys.
They sure could.
I guess they’d just be homeless without landlords
See. This is why I don’t like landlords.
It’s either I’m stuck with some transactional fake as fuck relationship or I’m homeless.
yeah I’ve had some pretty nightmare landlords that I knew personally or even lived with in some instances.
my cat and I started as roommates but now I’m pretty sure he’s my boyfriend.
Will you tell us a story about a good ethical landlord?
seriously, the “ethical” landlord is always some douche nozzle who “found a good investment” and “sorry I just got lucky owning a property”
what do you do as a landlord? Like when you come into work during your weird landlord schedule they always seem to have - what do you actually do?
Didn’t she post the picture and asked people to rate her?
more like a bot posted that picture.
I just want to know how to drink a gallon of water daily without living in my own bathroom?
You can eat lava… but only once.
lol my city has several libraries which aren’t book stores.
to be fair I live in a college town
Ehh I’ve met lsd and shroom elitists in real life too.
Yeah it’s capable of producing photo realistic images too which the one linked here is referencing painting or digital painting.
its a garbage religion that lets children die by refusing blood transfusions.
That’s some Joe’s Apartment shit
there’s an extremely early episode of Family Guy where they use guns to shoot at fleas. Because obviously that would be ridiculous.
why didn’t he want to sell it?