Obligatory fuck u/spez (with a large pineapple preferably)
Obligatory fuck u/spez (with a large pineapple preferably)
PS: We’ll have to lose the billionaire class, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Billionaires should be made illegal and taxed out of existence. It’s our last best chance to avoid a very ugly economic collapse.
Upon closer inspection, ugh…yes he does.
Yeah, and many of those founders were rich businessmen who didn’t want to pay taxes to the king of England. This is a human problem, not a national one.
It’s not necessarily foreigners, but rather billionaires that are the problem. They bought off and corrupted government officials long ago, and directed them to perform heinous acts to line their pockets further. The rich have got to be stopped in order for things to get better. I’d prefer to simply tax them out of existence, but there are other means available…
The strategy was to wield identity politics as a weapon by making these false claims, eg, “It’s her turn”
This was my first thought. When I learned how to drive, the rule was one car length per 10 mph. So at highway speeds of 70, that would be 7 car lengths of space to ensure enough distance to safely stop or avoid a collision. I see approximately 0% of people following this rule nowadays, and while I try to maintain it myself, it often results in a stream of vehicles merging in front of me and messing up my distance. Fun times.
Welp, time to go outside for the day. Gross!
Yep, this is good for Lemmy
We’re long overdue for a new reform party to run on few or single issue platforms, eg. to end FPTP and institute national ranked choice or star voting. They’d certainly be immune from corporate bribe money trying to drop these policies.
If they ran as independents to do just that, they’d have my vote. And it’s crazy enough it just might work.
Pretty sure there was another female agent who was covering him in front, so this meme seems a bit cherry picked
Democratic politicians feel this way because they are mostly friends with their colleagues across the aisle. They all eat at the same luncheons together, hang out at the same establishments in DC, attend the same fundraisers and lobbying events.
I think the voters tend to have a different point of view from those in DC. Consider that even Republican lawmakers were running for their life on Jan6. Dem voters are growing fatigued with the constant gaslighting from the establishment politicians, and hopefully soon might provide cause for their “elected representatives” to flee as well. At this point we’ve been left with painfully few alternatives.
Lastly just want to say I do agree with full treason charges for anyone involved with Jan6. Obstruction was a laughable wrist slap, this is far too serious for such measures. The rioters kind of had the right idea but for literally all of the wrong reasons. It’s tea party republicans all over again (which was funded by Koch bros of course). Instead of addressing this in a serious manner, Dems considered doing nothing at all for 2 years before they finally started bringing the wrong charges. Pathetic.
Damn bro, need to get those liberal brain worms checked out before there’s nothing left!
We’ve been arming Israel since at least the 1970s. Coincidentally, this was also around the same time we armed Bin Laden’s group.
Biden genociding now, but in your expert opinion, Trump will genocide more? This is precisely the point of my post. It’s illegal for Biden to facilitate this genocide per US federal law. You are basically saying because you don’t like the prospect of a Trump fascist state, that Biden is above the law. I couldn’t disagree more, Biden needs to be held accountable. In this alleged democracy, that should happen at the ballot box.
Bold assumption about not voting, this isn’t what I’m advocating at all. I think it’s important to vote in every race you can, even in such a corrupt and fundamentally broken system as ours.
I’m saying don’t vote for Hitler, and also don’t vote for 99% Hitler.
Sure, but you aren’t going to like it:
Don’t vote for him. (And don’t vote for the orange dotard either.)
Jews control the world is a big step beyond my claim, and I suspect a bit disingenuous on your part.
Most Zionist president in history of USA eagerly licks Bibi’s boots and runs cover for him to commit never ending stream of war crimes. He circumvents Congress to send billions in funding and American made bombs which have been used to slaughter 10s of thousands of innocent civilians, and leverages his security council standing to prevent the UN from doing a damn thing about it.
There, is that more palatable phrasing for you?
Just a silly play on words because we’re “here”, ya hear?!