I’m Italian but living in UK atm. Another great country to be in at this time /s
As per everywhere, there are many that are concerned, scared or downright enraged but the vast majority will simply accept whatever happens because the vast majority of people, always, everywhere, just want to not have problems knock on the door.
Italy is living through a major social crisis since years and years. This is just the last events that caught the eye of the international public but this right / populist leaning have been happening already since 10+ years ago.
Already with the “5 star movement” it was obvious that there was some distress going on.
The reality is that the longest we stay divided as communities / countries, they easier we get influenced or simply get down the wrong road without nobody saying something because everyone’s busy doing its own thing.
I’m Italian but living in UK atm. Another great country to be in at this time /s
As per everywhere, there are many that are concerned, scared or downright enraged but the vast majority will simply accept whatever happens because the vast majority of people, always, everywhere, just want to not have problems knock on the door.
Italy is living through a major social crisis since years and years. This is just the last events that caught the eye of the international public but this right / populist leaning have been happening already since 10+ years ago.
Already with the “5 star movement” it was obvious that there was some distress going on.
The reality is that the longest we stay divided as communities / countries, they easier we get influenced or simply get down the wrong road without nobody saying something because everyone’s busy doing its own thing.