And fuck nazis
And fuck nazis
Been to all three, choose Chicago
It’s worth noting that there just isn’t enough supply that’s actually in play in the market to rent or buy. Housing has two levels of demand because shelter is a need: there’s the inelastic demand (I need shelter and I’ll pay almost any price to make sure I have it) and elastic demand (I want to buy a house as an investment or a vacation property). This bubble isn’t going to pop because it’s not a true bubble; the supply of housing is below the need for housing that manifests as demand (the inelastic demand), which has sent the price skyrocketing because you’ve got people trying to satisfy a very deep inelastic demand with very shallow inelastic supply. That’s had the knock-on effect of making it so that now the people just trying to find shelter are directly competing against people trying to find investments, and while the investors almost always have more money than you do, it also means that the price ceiling (the absolute maximum anyone is willing to pay for that property) gets raised even higher.
The reason why we got here, why the supply got so low on the first place, is because we basically stopped building houses after 2006. Even when we did start building houses again, I think the rate at which we’re building them never fully recovered. There’s a few other problems I’d be happy to get into, but here’s the gist: the only housing really getting built without federal grant money is single family homes. We are NEVER going to solve the housing crisis by building not quite enough single family homes year over year. It just takes too much time and money to build too little capacity. So, what can you do about it?
Well, there’s great news. If you live in a city or even a modest size town, and most people do, there’s a really good chance you have a city council that meets regularly. This council has A LOT of control over what gets built in your city or town! In fact, they can control the zoning, and if your city is like mine, it’s probably 90% exclusionary low-density single family home zoning by surface area, and probably has outrageous parking minimums that all but guarantee both a housing supply shortage and a lack of services (groceries, small cafes, etc) in those neighborhoods (which also raises your cost of living because now you NEED a car). They always have a public comment period so that people can raise issues that they feel are important.
Go to these council meetings and tell at them about how there isn’t enough housing being built. They will cry about how they can’t control the free market, but they can and do via zoning codes. If you keep the pressure up over time, you can make progress. If you meet other like-minded people there and network with them, you can make progress. You can get out there and make this change, it is within your reach.
Well, they also believe that the poor are all idiot layabouts, and if anyone is poor in the most amazing awesome doublemost mcbestest country on earth, it must be their own fault. So, a lot of aid is engineered to be uncomfortable to get and uncomfortable to be on, like financial homeless spikes.
I’m not a sysadmin, I’m a backend dev with enough network knowledge to be dangerous. I’ve set up exactly one super basic website, so I know some of this stuff, I just have to (and can and will) stumblefuck my way through it. This seems like a really great idea, I had no idea Piped could potentially handle that. I’m going to keep an eye on this, thanks!
Yeah, I found Microsoft family to be a pretty half-assed experience. The thing that seems to work best is the screen time management. I had planned to try and set up YouTube access via allow listing channels in a home Linux server, but it turns out that YouTube doesn’t identify their videos by channel in the URL and I’d have to allowlist every single video for a given channel.
The funny thing is that we’ve hosted like eight exchange students and they all agree that the quality of our fast food is noticeably worse than from the same chain back home, and for way more money after accounting for exchange rates.
RIP Stalinwolf
I love that this post ends abruptly
Then you will have told me that.
But real talk, it’s looking more and more like some kind of auth future may be inevitable. I hope not.
I’m deep left libertarian, borderline anarchist, but if I have to make a choice between auths- tankies or Nazis- I’ll take tankies every time.
You’re right, and I think that it’s putting the cart before the horse. Marxist theory wouldn’t exist for another century, and a lot of Marx’s observations that led him to his theories were contingent upon the world that the enlightenment brought about. Had Marx been born 100 years earlier, he probably would have been a Republican (in the Jacobin sense, not the modern US party sense).
Maybe, idk if that’s really true. I would say that in its context, the revolution was about as good as it possibly could have been. The articles of confederation had some actually good shit in it like automatic citizenship for first nations peoples, and the constitution that replaced it was wildly left for its time. The lack of a monarch definitely had much of colonial Europe clutching its pearls. It’s basically been downhill ever since, though.
The best time was forty years ago, under Reagan. The second best time is now.
Implying our cities suck because they lean left and not because they’ve been built for cars instead of people
I mean… What’s worse, what you’ve described, or paying 50% of your income for a basic apartment or else run from bulldozers as a homeless person? At least people had shelter.
With or without tools? Tools change the equation big time. The ability of humans (and other monkeys) to throw stuff is probably the closest thing to fucking bullshit sorcery the animal kingdom has ever seen. Even just being able to throw a kinda heavy rock competently can massively level the playing field between a person and a mid-size predator (obviously bears won’t give two shits).
TIL I’m both chaotic good and lawful evil
Just switch instances, folks. I like .ee; there’s lots of other good ones, too