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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 25th, 2024

  • If you eat your burgers well done anyway, you are absolutely right. You are not supposed to do pre-frozen meat medium however. I have no idea if that is valid, but I always have my frozen meat well done. Also, prefrozen patties are relatively thin and tend to get even drier even more quickly. I want to decide the thickness and ingredients of my burgers myself. I even have a contraption for that: Burgerpresse

  • Frozen patties are cheap and pretty tasty, yes. But I prefer making them myself with ground beef and spices and grilling them to my taste (medium) on my Adolf grill. Then I lightly toast my burger buns (also not frozen) for a minute, also on the grill. Shortly before removing the patties from the grill, I place some Brie on the pattie, so it melts (also not frozen). I also add some onions, cucumber, a leaf of iceberg salat and maybe, if I want to completely pig out, also bacon. None of it frozen. As sauces I add ketchup and mustard or BBQ-sauce and mustard and/or mayo.

    This is so much better than a pre-frozen burger meal…

  • Frozen food indeed often is superior. Especially vegetables and fruit if those are frozen directly after harvest. This is not true, however, for burger patties. You won’t get a previously frozen burger patty medium, for example. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know. Some foods you just want prepared fresh.

  • We don’t know if there’s much of a difference between an AI and a brain. If we look “into” an artificial neural net we only see a lot of “weights” that don’t make any sense. If we look into a brain, we also can’t make any more sense of it. The difference is smaller than we want it to be because it seems to either give AIs a lot of credit or it makes us less than we want to be. We are very biased, don’t forget that.

  • So, how do art students learn? They are doing the exact same things. Only they do a lot less, because natural neural networks (aka brains) are not capable of processing training data as quickly. It’s not as if every artist has to reinvent the wheel and generative AIs don’t and as such have an unfair advantage.

    Look at inventions like the printing press! Did everybody like it? The catholic church certainly didn’t! Is it a a phantastic peace of technology anyway? Sure is!