Not these, the ones where you have to talk to a human are though, but not if you don’t, if you don’t have to talk to a human there’s no point in selecting
I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.
Your local herpetology guy.
Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!
Not these, the ones where you have to talk to a human are though, but not if you don’t, if you don’t have to talk to a human there’s no point in selecting
I mean, policemen being bootlickers completely breaks the pattern.
Shouldn’t it be minorityfighter?
It could also have been used for a game
It doesn’t have so many essential modern features, kde has hdr, proper fractional scaling, mixed refresh rate displays and is much more secure thanks to wayland, plus the performance hit is tiny these days.
i don’t even think it’s a stalemate most of the time, it’s very easy to avoid getting bitten honestly, i think an able bodied human could win outright like 6/10 times if they’re extremely careful and have a stick.
And the other 4/10 times are stalemates so…
Anyone could easily beat a king cobra in a fight if they’re able bodied, the venom doesn’t effect you instantly
They mean instance
I had dominos in india and the US, and let me tell you, it’s way better in the US.
He dodged a bullet.
I have never seen .ml people engage in genocide apologia. They’re fond of authoritarian governments which I find distasteful, but they aren’t pro-genocide.
no thanks i’m not a fan of webkit
No, use consent-o-matic, which is even configurable and thus better in every way.
Yeah but this only happened because they ate Schrodingers cat
Physically weak people are unworthy.
Unless they’re battling something that makes them physically weak, like cancer.
Why would my butcher recommend me a butcher in the first place?
I didn’t know australians used different terminology for chess, you learn something new every day
It’s a bad thing that they’re always the same, I don’t like having window borders or buttons and use a keyboard based hyprland setup, this is just a bunch of wasted space for me
I’m very happy with my rice and the dream has not sailed at all, I have had no downgrades, to accessibility, or usability with a custom theme, in fact, I’d go so far as to say custom themes enable better accessibility and usability for me
security? It’s just a css file?
This will incentivize businesses to only support chrome
Yes, that’s valid, but I think it’s very much so short term thinking.
eventually if enough windows things are supported on linux, the question will become why use windows?
once everything works out of the box, laptop manufacturers will say “why are we paying microsoft this licensing fee”
there would have been no other way to win the war, this gives us a chance in the very long term.
eventually publishers may say “why do we support windows?”
the next pillar that I think will fall in our favor is anticheat, once that goes down the sky is the limit for our longterm prospects