It was so good it eventually collapsed and destabilized dozens of countries!
It was so good it eventually collapsed and destabilized dozens of countries!
I know I was being snarky, but I do appreciate the context. The monopolizing bit clarifies it for me as something that you may own but if found to be monopolizing the resource to a detriment of the community, that is not acceptable. So “own” isn’t really used here to mean entitled to, but something that you may possess as an appropriation while acting in good faith.
Ok, so exploitable land (a means of production) can be owned for the exclusive enjoyment of an individual in a socialist economy. Got it, thanks.
Ok, thanks for clarifying that the internet still has no idea what socialism is.
I’m sorry, are you implying that private ownership of a means of production (in this case, farm land) is acceptable in a socialist economy?
Oh cool, socialism is when you own a means of production but only keep some of the produced goods.
And technically that means you’re producing on that farm which makes it private property.
Simply “web design” has been a dying profession in the US too. I’d argue website building platforms (SquareSpace and the like) have more to do with this market drying up then AI does.
You can read more into Karl Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance if you want to harden your philosophical position for what you have described.