Man, if it were just this then banks would be pretty stable.
The problem is banks don’t just lend and receive money, they invest. And they invest in everything. And they take super risky bets.
This is what caused the banking collapse of 2008 and what caused the death of SVB and a few other banks.
Your bank doesn’t just hold your money and debt, if you rent it almost certainly owns a peice of the company managing your property. It owns crypto assets. It has shares of startups. And it uses those assets to get more money to create more debt.
Dobb Frank was created to stop some of this, but unfortunately it’s been effectively repealed already.
What actually raises the price of milk is the farmer uses his profits to buy up other local dairy farms consolidating their position in the market. They then sign exclusivity deals with both grocers and further milk processors (who are also consolidating) to prevent competing in the market, driving their competitors to either sell for cheap or go out of business. the country%2C the dairy,per farm – has been rising.
Because “farm Inc” has a massive horde of wealth, they can stamp out competition by either buying them out, cutting them out, or driving them out of business with prices a small farmer can’t handle. After that, they get to set and raise prices at will with the now smaller pool of big name “farm Inc”.
This literally happens every time a market is poorly regulated and businesses allowed to grow too big. It’s the natural end state of capitalism.
Not really. It was ok but not great pizza.
I lived above a pizza shop at one point. Was not an issue.
In my state (Idaho) it’s because a good number of the legislators are landlords.
They don’t give a fuck that half their apartments are Airbnbs, they prefer it that way.
Ad hominem: check.
Don’t expect any rational choices here.
Perhaps don’t cry about rationality if all you have in your brain is logical fallacies.
Here’s a quote from the site you cherry picked
Some people may choose to go vegan, for some it may be because they do not believe in farmed animal practices and animal exploitation, for others it may be due to environmental concerns. Whatever the reason The Vegan Society is here to support everyone on their vegan journey.
Gee, looks like the vegan society also recognizes some people become vegan because of climate change… Or maybe you are going to redefine more terms so you can win your argument.
Or maybe you are pulling a definition not commonly accepted by the community or English speakers. No, that can’t be right, you are obviously smarter than I am. After all, you are a rational person that’d never engage in strawman attacks.
Got it, so you are emotionally defining veganism in such a way that you aren’t actually vegan if you don’t get there for emotional reasons.
If that’s your definition of veganism then of course nobody can get there with reason. You’ve created a tautology with your emotion filled definition.
For the record, veganism is defined by MW as
: a strict vegetarian who consumes no food (such as meat, eggs, or dairy products) that comes from animals
also : one who abstains from using animal products (such as leather)
That was the definition I was operating under. Sorry I didn’t Intuit your arbitrary definition you pulled from “eat” or whatever you got it.
Meat production is a prime contributor to climate change. Large amounts of resources go into raising meat. Further, cattle and pig production (not so much chicken) is the prime pathway to food contamination. Whenever you see lettuce recalls because of e. coli, that’s because animal shit got mixed in with the lettuce or the water for the lettuce.
Choosing not to eat meat because of these facts seems like a pretty rational choice, no emotion involved.
He literally rallied a violent mob to try and overturn the last election.
Like, you have to be a moron to think he’s “joking” about trying to be a fascist dictator.
to people like you that can’t see past the hollow optics.
Umm, ok, Like I agree with you that charities in general tend to be a bad way to solve public problems. But I’m also pointing out that charities rich people tend to contribute to are often even worse than ineffective for addressing public needs.
It’s, frankly, more than most billionaires and 100 millionaires do.
Most billionaires are setting up fake charities as tax shelters so they can publicize “Elon musk gave money to the Elon musk charity for fueling billionaire private jets foundation”.
You can pretty much pick a billionaire and find that billionaire’s charity that does dog shit.
Except for Dolly Parton who apparently didn’t get the memo that she’s supposed to be scamming :D
Just a reminder, the satanic panic was triggered by a discredited psychological theory (recovered memories) posited by a psychiatrist that saw no problems marrying one of his patients.
Also fun fact, a lot of QAnon satanic panic garbage is a mixture of this and antisemitic tropes. Basically a bunch of idiots mad that society stopped caring about this in the 90s.
Really, it was only one flavor of Jew, white, that was helped. Arab and black Jews were treated just as poorly to make room for the white European and American Jews. They chased out the “Arabs” which just means brown people.
Israel is built one genocide because I guess one genocide deserves another?
Not just as easy. There’s a lot of room for someone to say “this was actually just metaphor” or even “these are just stories to convey values”.
Take the tower of Babel, for example, we know it never happened. However, a more progressive Christian or Jewish tradition can use the story to talk about how sometimes cultural differences are simply surface level, we are all ultimately the same people. Mormons aren’t so lucky because the book of Mormon was pitched as a literal history and part of the book has literal refugees from the tower of Babel.
Unlike the Bible, we have the author of the religion who very well documented how literal everything is. We don’t even know who authored nearly any book in the Bible or their motivations.
I’m not arguing for a god, I’m an atheist exmo. However, there’s a pretty big difference between a bunch of old stories compiled together into a book and a book of fiction that the author went out of his way to claim was “the most correct book ever written”.
It’s harder to believe because it’s easily disproven. Turns out Joseph’s “translation” of ancient Egyptian wasn’t inspired.
Is there even a non-capitalist government in existence? Even the communist nations generally have a currency and tiered income based on position.
It’s anti-woman.
The real true reason most people are against abortion isn’t because they don’t believe it’s a necessity. It’s because they are afraid that some woman won’t be punished for having sex. Whether or not the fetus survives isn’t the point, it’s that someone has to be punished for enjoying life.