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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023

  • I have had the A750 for a year+ now and play most games on Linux. mainly indy games and path of exile. PoE plays better under Linux than Windows, by far. I have not had driver issues at all (or that were noticeable to me) but it isn’t like I have tested it extensively.

    If you are into PoE then you may know about how unplayable blight, esp blight ravaged maps can be. Slide show or worse for me on Windows with both the A750 and with the older NVIDIA card I had before. Under Linux it plays quite well except with things hit hyper density of mobs situations and even then its still playable.

  • Since they still exist, only time will tell if the promise of nuclear power and/or cryptocurrencies come to be.

    AGI and even IMHO AI do not exist. Whatever product is being marketed as AI isn’t what I would consider AI. “AI” can have its uses but I really do not think they will be what people expect because it fundamentally lacks what I would consider crucial aspects of human intelligence.

    AI makes for a very good grammar checker. It is good at producing filler content for SEO. And it is good at producing “stuff” that looks like it could be right. Probably will have some uses in creative work since it doesn’t have to be “correct” so as a tool to aid an artist, that’s seems pretty cool - I’m sure that is already happening. It will have its uses and a lot of companies will find out the hard way, it is not that they think. That’s my prediction.

  • An internship isn’t a magic bullet that cures all ills but it does improve thing meaningfully in several ways.

    To address your point, I agree with you in part but giving people a chance who otherwise would not, does build loyalty making it more likely they will stay longer (on average). You still have to be a good company to have a chance of retaining people, it isn’t just a cynical ploy to fool people into working for you. There is a middle ground between your example of 20-40 years vs 2-4 that is very meaningful because it takes a lot more time than people give credit, to get good at a job. So that >2 years time frame is very valuable.

    I do think a lot of companies, but crucially not all, effectively treat even highly skilled labor as a disposable asset to leech off of. I also think an employment system that expects career advancement to require changing employers, is crazy shortsighted. Just as is degrading the public education system and putting young people into massive debt with college. The system has problems all over the place but an internship is a very practical way for a company to do better.

  • It is completely crazy that businesses mainly do not have strong internship/apprenticeship programs in place. It is hard to predict who is going to be good at tech (or probably most jobs) until given a chance. Some of our most brilliant have been high school dropouts. Even those with credentials and experience will do better with time to learn the company systems and culture. “We need someone who can hit the ground running…” ug, grow up.

    Collectivly, we need a major commitment to building the workforce not leeching off of disposable labor.

  • The GOP mistake was to kill Roe. The dog caught the bus. That was their issue and they blew it up. That’s not working now so they are doubling down towards theocracy. They are going to rack up a lot of horrific news by denying basic freedoms and health care. For issues, they’ve pivoted to the border, an issue they are artificially maintaining now. It’s a re-run and I am not sure how far it will carry them given how stupid they all look.

    But the shoe is on the other foot now, isn’t it? I am not as cynical to think Dems will do nothing about abortion but if they do something, it will be after the election. Maybe you are right but I hope not. On the other hand, we’ve seen some major state-level wins on abortion post-Roe that cut across party lines and can’t be ignored forever.

    Maga is on a self-destruct path it is just a matter of how much damage they do before they run out of time. It could be quite a bit. Dems can be compelled to do some good.

  • Thanks for your observations and I won’t argue them. The problem with a word like recession is that we’re in what I see as, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. The middle class, what’s left of it, is mainly moving toward being poor. That said, the “smart” economy people will say “we are not in a recession and in fact the economy is good.” And it is good, very good in fact - for the privileged. Wealth inequality is the issue, at least in my view.

  • There is also the Fiat 500e. Not many of the original ones I think in the US but a new one is coming.

    We have the i3. While we love it and it is by far the best car we have ever had, it is smaller, the looks are polarizing and the range is limited. So even among those it would be a good fit for, there is resistance. It was absurdly expensive new but used are reasonable’ish. And I mean the range is fine for probably almost everyone but you know people are always like, “but what if I want to spontaneously drive across the country?!” as if they will ever do that.