is that strange albert
is that strange albert
yeah it has kind of an optical balance to it. i don’t mind that it’s not mathematically perfect because it appears proportional. optics are all that matters, especially in pixel art.
(edit: i guess ‘pixel art’ isn’t correct anymore because it’s a vector graphic, but it used to be pixels!)
i believe it’s just pointing out the misalignment of the graphic. people may be under the impression that something like a cursor has mathematically precise proportions, but it does not.
water is sick and gross and chocolate milk is better
based on what little i know about tectonic plates, earth is working on it already. give it about 10 billion years.
missed a / on the closing body tag in the confirmation field.
not to be a slut but i accept
is it loss
i know exactly where this is
this is an image that shows the internals of peoples bodies. why include the legs when the intention is to see inside their pelvis’?