Personal pan pizzas are by far the best size! The small size means they get ultra crispy and don’t get soggy in the middle like larger pizzas do!
Personal pan pizzas are by far the best size! The small size means they get ultra crispy and don’t get soggy in the middle like larger pizzas do!
How did it go? Temperature management would seem to be very difficult in a wok like that vs a traditional carbon steel wok.
I think in practice almost no one uses the second definition. If your office has a “biweekly meeting” then it’s definitely a meeting every 2 weeks, occurring on the same day (usually a Monday).
Two meetings in one week is just two different meetings, not a biweekly meeting.
Try looking up your local pizza place’s website. Many local places now have online ordering right on their website, no apps required!
Instant pot can make way healthier meals. Cut back on fried food and start making delicious, healthy soups! Bonus is that soups store really well in the fridge AND freeze really well, so you can do big meal prep really easily with an instant pot!
Edit: instant pot is also really great at making rice and pasta! People even use it for steam-baking with the pot-in-pot method (but that’s a bit advanced)!
Loads of people identify with it though. Maybe you don’t but the GP comment was not addressing you specifically. It was addressing those who identify with the meme!
Ahh yes. The good old “now caramelize the onions, about 5 mins.”
She was miserable long before she found out about the cheating. If he was pulling late nights at the office instead of at his mistress’s apartment the outcome would’ve been the same.
Really, as much as it hurt her to discover the cheating, it woke her up and gave her the strength to change her life.
Have you watched the show Mad Men? The whole Betty Draper (January Jones) story arc shows how much that lifestyle falls apart in the long run.
What you described? Sounds like an amazing vacation for a week or two. But then as the months and years drag on, and your high-flying career spouse is never around, shit really starts to set in. That life is lonely AF!
Sure, it’s great to be with your children, take care of them, teach them and bond with them. But small children do not provide the social and mental outlet that an adult needs.
There’s a reason so many tradwives pull the ripcord after a few years. No one should ever feel like a prisoner in their own home.
Animal product prices can’t go above what the market will bear. Meat spoiling on shelves will drive the prices back down.
If farmers can no longer afford to feed their cattle imported soybeans then they’ll go back to feeding domestic grains and corn.
It may be location specific. One thing I’ve noticed with pizza places is that different locations (even within a chain) may or may not cut corners on baking time in order to get pizzas out the door faster during peak hours.
Most people seem to be clueless about the texture of undercooked pizza. The telltale sign is gooey dough just underneath the sauce. A lack of browning on the cheese is another sign.
The thing is, since pizza toppings are all cured meats, fully cooked meats, fresh veggies, cheeses, and precooked tomato sauces the pizza itself does not need to be fully cooked to be safe to eat. However, an undercooked pizza can and will give you a lot of gas due to fermentation of the raw dough in your gut.
Next time you might try asking for your pizza well-done, or if it’s a hot n’ ready then try throwing it in an air fryer at 350F for about 4-5 minutes. I, personally, much prefer air-fried crispy pizza over the soft crust from most takeout places.
They’re just white meat chicken nuggets dipped in sauce! They’re not even made with chicken wing meat!
I think it’s because everyone’s been checking out DeepSeek and discovering that it censors things like this.
It originally referred to modern day communists who believed Stalin was right to send troops and tanks into Czechoslovakia in 1968 to crush the liberal government there that had recently arisen there. Hence the word “tankie” for someone who believes that it’s right to use tanks to destroy peaceful democratic governments in order to (re)install communism.
Ahhh okay. That makes sense. Though I could foresee some people ending up at an impasse with this. They want to end their lives but the fear and panic take over at the top of the hill and they’re unable to go through with it. It could be very cruel for a person to be stuck in a cycle of going to the top of the hill (filling with dread each time) and then pushing the button to get out and go home.
And then of course there’s the other issue of being up at the top of the hill, feeling overwhelming dread, working up the courage to allow the descent to begin, but then immediately regretting it and feeling terror all the way down the first big slope until the G forces begin to take effect.
This seems like an unfixable problem with the design. No matter how you change it, there’s got to be some “point of no return” where you’re locked in and still conscious of your impending death but unable to make it stop.
Except for the part at the top of the huge hill when you look down and realize you’re going to die and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. The euphoria sets in later but that first bit sounds horrifying, especially for people with a fear of heights.
My oven no longer works properly after the last self clean. The preheat cycle doesn’t stop at the designated temp — it just keeps getting hotter and hotter until it shuts down with an error.
I think self clean is quite bad for the electronics in the oven. Electrolytic capacitors are an example of one type of component that gets damaged over time by heat: the electrolytes dry out and the capacitor fails.
The greatest of all time was Blendo:
Designed by Jamie Hyneman (of Mythbusters fame). It consists of a 5hp lawnmower engine powering a circular saw blade, encased in a dome made from a wok. The thing was so dangerous Jamie almost lost a foot starting it up (using the ripcord to start the lawnmower engine).
It was undefeated. It tore the ever-loving hell out of anything it faced, frequently launching dismembered parts of its opponents into the crowd at terrifying velocity. It was simply too dangerous to be allowed to continue competing, so it was retired!