Context (YouTube link advisory)
Context (YouTube link advisory)
The point is that horseshoe theory is uninformed child logic. If you want to find pearls to clutch and take it personally that’s on you.
i think politics is more nuanced than can be described by a single dimension, curving it so you can tell yourself that “rational” is in the middle and that “crazy” lives at the ends is some Dunning Kreuger shit.
me, a bible enthusiast, watching people take the piss in these comments
too late, i’m already gone
don’t browse /all if you don’t want to see all? seems like less of a total clown move than whining that communities you don’t belong to post content you don’t like.
the aliens travel in duct-taped eggs apparently
they’re a dog, what do you expect?
oh boy i can’t wait to be randomly shadowbanned just like on every community where i open my stupid tranny mouth too much.
funny thing, i haven’t had to fix my wife’s computer once since i got her to switch to manjaro nearly a year ago. when she was on windows i had to help her fix something at least once a month.
funnier thing, the guy at the shop probably uses linux and knows how to fix that too.
say what you will about astrologers, at least they don’t pretend it’s science
if you keep them talking eventually they’ll admit their motives in the form of an accusation, like that other person who was ranting for paragraphs about various queer people getting off on feeling superior, while calling people insane for respecting identities that person feels are beneath respect.
the point is to by repetition associate marginalized groups with indefensible harm to children, in order to sow fear and mistrust and drive the wedge deeper into this community. either that or they’re really unhinged and need to seek help.
it’s a troll, the pedophilia accusations are a red herring to make the target (me) defensive. nobody had anything to say about the topic until this person decided to start adding “and [euphamism for pedophiles]” when referring to xenogenders.
your other account is banned from here for trolling. does that make it acceptable to misgender you and add “and also pedophiles” whenever i refer to you or your identity?
not picking and choosing whose identity is valid is the backbone of this movement, fuck outta here trying to sandbag the most marginalized among us by trying to associate queerness with pedophilia.
hi, i’m one of those trans people, and i’ve been through absolute hell, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. don’t hide your bigoted shit-tier take behind my struggle.
nah, i’m blazing right past that and accepting everyone’s identity as valid, the opinion is it’s hilarious and entertaining watching pedants twist themselves in knots to absolve themselves of fundamentally queerphobic and exclusionary takes.
you can equate “accept everyone” with “scrutinize and judge” if you like though, it’s very helpful when people wave their red flags openly.
idk who needs to hear this but there’s always some ridiculous thing that’s popular with the kids.
this is boomer shit.