then I clean the seat
New fear/obsession unlocked.
then I clean the seat
New fear/obsession unlocked.
Everyone just needs to make it a habit to close the lid before flushing.
And for those public toilets with auto-flush and no lid, I get around it by draping TP over the sensor while I do my business, flush it manually when I’m done and the door is open so I can quickly jump outside the stall.
My eyesight went to shit from sitting at a desk and staring at a monitor all day. I wonder if my eyesight would’ve remained perfect well into adulthood without computers.
Also for marathons. To work off all that soda.
We’re low-tech and just use a rolled-up towel on the floor. We use it to soundproof the closed door at night (otherwise the cat whining wakes us up at 430am), and curl it around the open door to keep it from swinging.
And thingamavagenes.
I’d forgotten about that. Thanks for the nostalgia. :D
I remember sitting in a bus going to/from school and every time I saw a dark gray Civic hatchback my brain would overlay crosshairs on it.
That’s exactly what he’s trying to do. He likes to poke holes at commonly accepted things in an attempt to make people think about stuff that they don’t normally think about and make them ask why more often. This is a good thing. Unfortunately, it just comes across as annoying to a lot of people.
The boats are useless too. But they seem to have invented some kind of self-replenishing energy source because they just keep on going without having to refuel.
Been playing Dorfromantik so building quaint, idyllic villages with expansive forests and streams.
I feel like if Dr. Girlfriend had a cat, she would name it Dr. Cat.
I just read an interview of James Cameron where he says they actually cut off her hair which was down to her waist at the time. He told her:
“Your hair will grow back. Vasquez will live forever.”
And she really does. What a character.
Vasquez actress in Titanic:
There is manufactured outrage, and then there are the people who are looking for things to be outraged over.
Garlic and onions are the basis for so many things that we cook at my house. I can’t imagine not having them in my diet.
I’m just curious, did you bring the carts in in smaller batches so you’d have to make more trips and the whole task would take longer?
Ooh, this sounds like a game-changer.
We used to go regularly to this sushi place and had gotten to know the chef pretty well. It was a semi-fancy place with a sushi bar and hibachi section. Really good cuts of sashimi. He said his favorite thing to eat is McDonald’s.
Not an iOS user. Does she quote the next line?