Hehe, or maybe Dick
Made me remember the “je, tu, il, elle, nous-vous-ils-elles” french educational song ha
🫱 🫲
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot’s going places hehe
Upvoted for quasi-finger-tenting 🫸🫷
👉👈 🤜🤛 🫱🫲 🫸🫷
Life is nothing but a series of rooms and goodbyes
As we live and breath
Wait its lithium
How is this not already a top-selling juice box/energy drink can?
Edit: call it MotörOil
I don’t know
Don’t be like Hitler and Donald Trump and not vote for Joe Biden
What’s a good primer, Das Kapital? I don’t mean to be glib, like I suppose its better know where we are in the plot.
Where do you think we are in the plot btw? Like what stage are we at and whats next?
…Is it really?
Dang you and your interwoven/obfuscated memes 🧩
As a new player in the BFF market, Imma need you to add Threema to that spread
Not really, Signals cool and buttery smooth and also the gold standard
Thats why you wait a day or two, problem solved
How do you do that, like change the font?
I too would like a Medieval Meal
Sho shatishfying