Between the legs right?
Between the legs right?
I had the number of years wrong as I was relying on my terrible memory instead of looking it up before posting, that said, not sure where you are getting your numbers from since you didn’t post any links.
According to the World Bank global poverty was cut in half in 30 years, not 20 as I posted:
For 30 years, global extreme poverty had been steadily declining, and by 2015, the global extreme-poverty rate had been cut by more than half.
That’s from this link:
While pre-pandemic global poverty rates had been cut by more than half since 2000,
That’s the first sentence from this article by the UN (the people you claim say poverty is increasing)
Politifact says that the claim:
“Over the last 30 years, extreme poverty has been cut in half.”
Is mostly true at this link:
If you look at the second graph on the wikipedia page on Extreme Poverty here: it looks like the total number of people in poverty was around 1.6 billion around the year 2000, but by 2015 it appears to have dropped below 800 million.
So yeah, it’s obvious that there’s a lot of variations in the numbers but still looks like my initial claim was not completely without merit.
Global poverty rates were cut in half over 20 years due to globalization, but yeah, just because westerners lost all of the low skill manufacturing jobs, it all sucks. You realize the US is still one of the biggest manufacturers on the planet but it’s for higher end complex products? Not saying there aren’t problems in the west, but globalization helped billions of people.
The speaker of the house is the defacto boss of the parliament and that’s who invited the nazi. Even if they knew the history of everyone who enters the building, the PM couldn’t have prevented the speaker from inviting this guy. Had ANYONE known this guy’s history, this wouldn’t have happened.
The PM isn’t a dictator with total control over who gets to invite people to Parliament
Obviously because the current zero is upside down!
I don’t know personally, but a commenter above wrote:
I appreciate that they help stomp out fascist, racist, and anti-trans rhetoric on Lemmy.
So if there’s any truth in that, the backlash could be a bunch of whiney butthurt Nazis.
Just curious…
Since communism isn’t illegal in western countries, and there’s literally nothing stopping a bunch of comrades from starting a business where the workers maintain control over the means of production, where are all the successful communist companies?
Like if communism is sooooo superior to capitalism, why aren’t communist operated businesses dominating the world?
New businesses are started all the time, so you would think there would be at least one successful communist company. Where are they?
No, Benadryl has not been (directly) linked to dementia, but it is classified as an anticholinergic drug, and those HAVE been linked to dementia. So not Benadryl, but the group it is classified under. That group of drugs also includes some extremely powerful antipsychotic medications (EDIT: sorry, anticholinergic drugs are often prescribed along side antipsychotic medications), so it’s kinda like lumping a Nerf gun in with assault rifles. As well, sleep deprivation has also been linked to dementia and people will take Benadryl as a sleep aid (as you know), so any connection there might be ancillary. Your doctor’s advice sounds like it is just precautionary, which is good, but may turn out to be unfounded. Bottom line is that it needs to be studied more as there currently isn’t enough solid data about the subject.
That’s dark matter/energy.
No… it’s dark apples
It was totally justifiable! We had to end the war cuz hockey season was about to start.