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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • So, locking out repairs for anything they would have to order parts for.

    I’m guessing that they’re using some sort of custom size for their bolts and tolerances in the train. The competitors likely have the standard sizing for parts on hand, and any custom part would need to be ordered in. Likely from the same supplier.

    Since they know their supplier’s order return timing, they can set up the kill switch when they know that the train will be sitting in a yard awaiting parts.

    Scummy as fuck.

  • I don’t think that continuing to do business in Russia is any worse than their constant baby killing.

    They used to dress their sales reps up like nurses and lie to new mothers, saying that breast feeding would harm their babies. Then they would give a month supply of formula. Just enough for the new mother to stop lactating.

    They also sponsor the creation of new maternity wards, putting mothers and their newborn infants on the opposite side of the hospital. So when it comes time to feed the infant, they are not taken to their mother, they’re instead given formula for their first meal.

    The simple truth is that formula is not as good as breast milk, and is not as safe. Mothers in poor countries often do not have access to clean water, or enough formula. So babies die. Either from shit in the water, or from malnutrition as mothers have stopped lactating and can’t afford the formula.

    Nestle knows this, and has been killing babies in the name of profit for decades.

  • And Putin still lost. He’s been shown to be weak. He compromised.

    Now the other sharks that Putin surrounded himself with will smell that weakness.

    Autocrats must project that Strongman image, especially when it’s a lie. Dictators who show weakness like this rarely die peacefully.