As far as moderation goes, nothing is changing.
How are we supposed to square this with the rationale for the break being to get away from stricter moderating?
As far as moderation goes, nothing is changing.
How are we supposed to square this with the rationale for the break being to get away from stricter moderating?
When it comes to moderating, we want to cultivate an environment where queer people feel welcome, but the point where we differ from Ada is not being allowed to respectfully disagree. As far as we’re concerned, that person didn’t break any of our rules.
My concern at this point hinges on what constitutes “respect” and what things are tolerable to disagree about. Particularly with the backdrop of a society that sees disagreeing with my gender as respectful disagreement.
Don’t get me wrong, we’re not gonna start tolerating MAGA shit or anything, we just don’t want people to be afraid of getting ejected from the community over a relatively mild take or for committing wrongthink.
That really becomes a question of how far is too far, while everyone is subjected to potentially harmful takes because they’re not overtly hateful. That’s the thing that burned a lot of us out on Reddit.
That still doesn’t really tell me anything. What kinds of differences of opinions? What kinds of things have resulted in admin action that the mods would be more lenient on?
The primary difference is moderatorial and ideologial differences
Such as?
Years back, when I was working helpdesk and was on overtime, I traveled to visit my long-distance girlfriend. The first night, I was so tired that I quickly fell asleep. Apparently, in my sleep, I kept asking her for her username so that I could log the ticket.
Mozart invents headbanging.
I opened this post knowing 100% that I’d find this comment.
If that’s what installing Linux is like I don’t want to know what installing Windows looks like.
The buttplug is massive and entirely unlubricated.
Ultimately, I feel like people take a singlular moment view of guns for self-defense as well, without considering how the apparatus of the state will react. It doesn’t matter if I can defend myself in the moment if the state is going to try to lock me up for it.
I used to try to make it as awkward as possible. Condoms, lube, a bottle of wine, and whatever phallic fruit I could find.
It really doesn’t. But it does make raging misogynists pissy and insecure.
You can only do it once before needing a new friend though.
The full remote time during the pandemic allowed me to slowly update my profile pic for work until people started asking me what my pronouns were.
I tuck because I don’t want to look down and see the thing either.
Can’t relate, I’m a secret third thing (And also gay).
Look, I can barely take care of myself some days.
That Dr Pepper could use some sour cream!
Ah, my spirit animal.
Women are a certain way because of the way I was born.
I like generic names for hacking groups like this. It could easily describe dozens of my friends and their polycules.