Bingo. Most of these tax schemes will hurt the renter, not the landlord.
Bingo. Most of these tax schemes will hurt the renter, not the landlord.
Center channel speaker FTW
That is an excellent, succinct explanation
Could be a fun drinking game
My husband absolutely adored these because they were wholesome with no gratuitous sex or violence. He was a conservative Christian and these were some of the few shows he could really enjoy unreservedly. (I doubt he would have been pleased to see a gay story, though. He’s not around to ask, unfortunately.)
I find them predictable and banal. But to each his own. He would watch a Hallmark movie in one room and I’d be in the other room watching Criminal Minds or something LOL
Yep. I’ve lost 90 pounds. Finally not sweltering all the time
They are useless, as anyone who’s ever tried to get redress through them knows. Don’t trust their ratings.
I know I’ll get hate for this, but what does “rule” mean in this context? I tried looking it up and can’t find anything cogent.
I first noticed Zimmer while watching Blackhawk Down. Awesome stuff. There’s room in the world to love him AND Williams.
Sigh. This happened, sort of, to my favorite channel. It was a fun channel all about her hamsters - cute videos of their antics and informative videos of how to care properly for them. Then she got a chronic illness and switched to only posting about the illness and awareness of it. And that’s her prerogative. But she took down all the cute stuff. I was devastated. They were my go-to when I needed cheering up.
OG Princess Leia