So… Basically NewPipe but paid and with ads? Brb, going to setup a monthly 14€ donation to the NewPipe team.
So… Basically NewPipe but paid and with ads? Brb, going to setup a monthly 14€ donation to the NewPipe team.
Let’s say, hypothetically, that I’m not a Nintendo spy. Let’s also say that, still hypothetically, I would be interested in, or curious about, maybe, what would have been your first choice. Would you hypothetically tell it to me?
Not talking about pirating anything, btw. Just making hypotheses about a purely imaginary scenario.
γ is the Greek letter gamma. Those are γ-rays, not y-rays.
Also people
made a lot of donations in hope of stayingbought their way out of hell.
Indulgences were literally sold, those weren’t considered donations.
It’s a low hanging fruit, but I mean… The tree doesn’t have a lot of higher fruits, and they’re not as tasty anyway.
Are we gatekeeping being rejected now?