It was on my thumb… But that is quite the visual.
It was on my thumb… But that is quite the visual.
Not a single hospital I went to in that country had hand soap in the bathrooms, to give you an idea about the level of hygiene. But going for my yearly sinus infection was a breeze and I got antibiotics. Not a zpack but it cleared up the infection. And no appointments necessary. Breeze in and breeze out an hour later with what you need. And dirt dirt cheap, and on my visa I didn’t pay into the national health care system, so my cost was 100% out of pocket.
Eh, there’s truth and lies on both sides. Coming from someone that lived in china for 4 years and was able to engage with Chinese primary news sources. But basic healthcare in china is faster and cheaper, but then again I went to get a wart removed and they prescribed me acorn paste that accelerated the growth of the wart. So win some lose some.
I took a DNA test and found out I’m mostly Scottish (family always said English and Polish) so maybe I will too.
I had a colleague who had been a nurse and I’d show my prescriptions and ask “BS or actual medicine” and she’d tell me. I just started asking her first and she’d type out what I need before I went to the doctor.