I am left and this is so fucking true though. So many pussy-ass towel wringing gutless cowards just want to pick bones out of tofu than actually act to make a meaningful difference because they are frozen with indecision over acadmic moral quandries
I am left and this is so fucking true though. So many pussy-ass towel wringing gutless cowards just want to pick bones out of tofu than actually act to make a meaningful difference because they are frozen with indecision over acadmic moral quandries
I hate that people are shit and will ruin any economic/political system no matter how high-minded it may have otherwise been.
Similarly capitalism wouldn’t be a burning pile of diapers and old wigs if those involved didn’t have a complete and total disregard-bordering-on-antipathy for humanity and the common good.
Lemmy feels like wet underwear but its like warm wet so if you just kinda go with it and forget that it feels weird then you’re not actually uncomfortable.
Look at him being all serious about this important accomlishment. How validated he must feel
Cast iron is to sear the bajesus out of steak. Nothing else can blacken the steak crust to my satisfaction without inadvertently overcooking the middle.
I hate it for everthing else.
A tiny cheap teflon pan just for 1-2 fried eggs and nothing else.
Then SS all-clad as the go-to for everything else.
Been having good experience with the hexclad teflon pan although handwash only. I believe it is generally disliked because it is marketed as “dishwasher safe” which is absolutely false. When handwashed it holds up very well.
Is it no longer alright for me to be retarded anymore?
I suspected this is some historical copypasta that has been canonized and these two are riffing off each other. This is like watch two respected elder masters have a theological debate, except its for the chronically online.
“We’re trying for a baby”
*ism is just a tool for any aspiring autocrat. Stalin would have been far-right if he saw it as being a valid pathway towards power.
Effective tyrants are forever pragmatic and never burdened by ideological loyalty.
In Canada the first step to legal gun ownership is emailing the RCMP and asking for gun safety training. Then they email you back a list of qualified instructors in your city.
Once you get the safety training then you can apply for a Possession and Acquisition License which allows you to buy firearms and ammunition. Once in possession of a firearm you need go register it so that if you are caught with it you don’t get in trouble.
“Restricted” firearms include hand guns and revolvers so if you want one of those then you need to repeat the process once more including the safety training and get a Restricted Possession and Acquisition License
Imma put my foot up yer turd pocket
sniff… the good ol’ Lemmy switcheroo
You need more bicephalous
Phil Collins at prime sexual potency
Followed by a “menacing commentary on the weather”
“I was victimized by the patriarchy, so I got a haircut”
Everything has to be a buzzfeed headline… Nobody “just does stuff” anymore. All of life’s banal moments need to be presented as either a reaction or a challenge to really sell them. How else are you going to get online randos invested in your new haircut?
Its a Chinese idiom that works very well