That depends entirely on how good you are at managing your money. With regular payments you’d still have a ridiculous amount of money even the first month, and no matter how badly you fuck up you’re still rich 20 years from now.
That depends entirely on how good you are at managing your money. With regular payments you’d still have a ridiculous amount of money even the first month, and no matter how badly you fuck up you’re still rich 20 years from now.
Just because you can communicate with them doesn’t mean they want to talk to you.
Not sure what phone you have, but on Android you just hit power and volume down at the same time.
I refuse to believe that there are no women who enjoy Warhammer 40k.
For others considering this, keep in mind that not all phones support external monitors, they need specific hardware for it. Pretty much all Samsung S phones support it, Pixels do not. So check if your phone supports external displays before you buy any hardware!
Getting a USB dock instead would probably get you both charging and Ethernet.
We know how it works, but we can’t explain exactly how it got to the answers.
Although to be fair most simulation code I’ve come across was written by Physics majors who really shouldn’t be writing code. Most of those implementations are a crime against engineering and humanity alike.
They do the job, though, and I suppose crimes against engineering are better than crimes against physics, if one had to choose.
I think you’ll find that the line between “computer scientist” and “software engineer” is rather blurred.
Depends on the engineer. Some make the software which does the math.
You’re clearly not Italian. They put actual cream in soda. The American variety just tastes like ice cream due to the vanilla, no cream involved.
Still says Becky in “Becky says”.
The tracking disclaimer is the standard message you get when an app uses Google ads. Pay for it and there are no ads, and by extension no tracking.
One of the last bosses in Half-Life is a testicle with pointy spider legs.
See, those are needed for compliance/CYA. That has business value, so I can work with that. What I’m referring to here is just training on useless stuff for the sake of racking up points.
Sure, if there’s a business need for cleaning the office toilets I’ll stop coding and do it for a day.
In this case it’s “everyone needs to spend a few weeks getting points in the training portal, we don’t care what you do in there as long as you get points”. This clearly doesn’t fulfill any business need, people just do whatever BS is the least effort per point. And as you might expect from an internal training portal, spending 20 minutes in that thing makes me want to stab myself.
Again, if there’s a business need for it that’s a different story, but useless mandates just to jerk people around are a deal breaker.
Do you brag about your long hours, or do you complain about the lack of predictability from management? Only the former matches the statement in the quote.
Management was handing out bullshit busywork recently, and some people were complaining. Then some guy was like “they pay my salary, so I do whatever they want!”
What kind of bullshit wage slave mentality is that? I am the vendor in this scenario, my employer is paying for the privilege of using my services. There can be terms and conditions from both parties of that deal, and if they’re incompatible the deal is off.
It’s perfect for lighting bowls
Oh, there’ll still be a government. But they may not be willing to ship his checks to the labor camp.