And they say chivalry is dead
And they say chivalry is dead
I’m not gonna call her that
One of these things is not like the other
Fire hehehehehe
A pineapple can have any subnet it wants. Also I have multiple subnets that start 172.16.xx.xx
Why are they carrying it that way, so unsafe
I too am from US STATE! What is your US secure society number so that we can get to know each other better?
Shoulda just gone to Costco, chickens only 5 bucks. Scarcity ended.
God that’s depressing
Everyone’s days are numbered, it’s called being mortal you silly dumb-dumb.
What the fuck, I will never look at things the same way again.
How dare you; I don’t want to be"that guy" who yells at people on the Internet for expressing their opinions, but what the fuck.
Free market doing its job, baby!
Love Scotty!
It’s four for four fores for forever fours fore.
Linus TT sucks my rule