It’s not man, really. Work and the stress that comes from my responsibilities at it, kids that make my sleep irregular, sleep deprivation because I want to do more than I have possibly time to do, slightly overweight, etc. overall I don’t have a significant amount of consecutive good nights of sleep enough to feel rested in general, and this makes me very sensitive to time changes. There was a time I also didn’t care or noticed, but when my nights started to become short, it started making a difference.
Indeed it does. To clarify it takes a couple of days or a week max, but I can feel an effect linger on for almost a month. I guess I’m getting old.
I’ve been waiting for years for this to finally be approved. I can’t stand Daylight Saving Time, only serves to make me tired for the next month while I adjust, twice per year. It’s a relic from the past and many countries are moving towards removing it or have removed it already altogether.
More info:
Can a Polish woman be prosecuted in Poland for making a legal abortion abroad?
I’m a big fan of serpadesign, he inspired me into terrariums and last month I made a small fish bowl, which I am planning to move to a proper fish tank that I will DIY from IKEA glass shelves as in one of his videos.
honestly curious, as someone that doesn’t intuitively know how long a foot (in terms of measure) is, does it actually compare to the average size of the average foot? Like if you say something is 2 feet long, can you actually walk 2 steps and that’s a pretty good approximation?
Actually that’s a modern measurement concept based on the original meter. By using this concept, the size of a meter is tied to absolute terms in physics that “anyone” could measure with the right tools, while the original concept was based on a physical object called the meter, which is subject to many things such as heat dilation for example making it not accurate, and if the original object was lost we would not have a way to tell what is a meter (conceptually speaking of course).
The foot on the other hand (lol) is traditionally based on the king’s foot size. This of course depends on which country (or realm?), and to make matters worst, who’s the king at the time, because yes the official measure would change based on that too.
Of course that’s not how it is today, but we can say the original foot was lost long ago.
Poland seems very off to me, given I always thought it was weird people leaving work at 3pm to get their kids from school. Every single day. And people call it normal.
Also 1 year of maternity leave. Which is incredibly cool.