Absolutely the most hated. The marketing chuds are gaslighting by claiming to be less hated. Nah, nah brah. Seriously the most hated. By FAR.
Absolutely the most hated. The marketing chuds are gaslighting by claiming to be less hated. Nah, nah brah. Seriously the most hated. By FAR.
Yep. GRU / FSB propaganda scored a huge run of hits. Still very popular even.
Agreed. Most American polls are still done by phone, so it only counts people who answer unknown calls, and then answer a series of questions about their beliefs. Which just gets more unbelievable every day.
“He calculated that a closer relationship was necessary for economic reasons”
Bwahahaha! Did he! Did he calculate that?! Ahhhhh fucking hell.
He calculated that it would be better not to be up shit creek without a goddamned paddle.
If you’re on Xitter, I don’t know what to tell you. Except, get off.
Has no one made the standard “how to move to Mastodon and take all your twitter followers with you” yet? If they have I havent’ seen it, but that’s the missing link here.
“That’s not writing, that’s just typing!”
It’s the same situation, just writ large. Dumb human decisions to put AI where it shouldn’t be. Heck, you can put it in charge of the nuclear missles now if you want to. Don’t. Though. That’d be really, really stupid.
Part of my knee-jerk dislike of the AI hype is that it’s glorified text completion. It doesn’t know shit. It only knows the % chance of your saying the next word. AGI is not happening anytime soon and all this is techbro theatre for the sake of money.
Anyone who reads a wall of bland generated text and thinks we’re about to talk to god is seriously mistaken.
They found out he raped his 4 year old sister and kept doing it well into her teens?
And I am here for it.
YES! The one main hurdle I’ve found (and the constant “share your contacts??” prompting). Good luck to them!
Money and the fact that C-suite still has no f*%! clue about technology. They can tweet now. yay.
Seriously, they screwed themselves with bad decisons.
Make use of your blocks early, folks
The problem was, and is, that Twitter was always a private for-profit company whose business model was tracking users and mining their private data. Yes, it could do good things, and in the hands of some of those opressive regimes it could do some bad things and in between it was built to do some skeezy things because that was how they attracted the venture capital.
Not to mention it was never innovative in what it was offering, there were and are many different avenues to connect people (that is the fundamental feature of the internet) it just created a platform that became popular for various reasons. Earthquake victims and rescuers, anti-government protestors and so on could always use Signal or another app for talking to each other - and should.
One of the real impacts of the cancer of Twitter came when journalists reached a critical mass and decided if something was tweeted about it counted as a primary source and they could write an article about it without having to get out of their chair. It was always lazy journalism and often totally irresponsible journalism and it’s no coincidence that the apex of Twitter journalism was the rise of an orange demented sociopathic rapist. All of which was part of the promise of a service that sold views and news by secret algorithm and cash.
Private Access Tokens are powerful tools that prove when HTTP requests are coming from legitimate devices without disclosing someone’s identity.
So I don’t know the details, but it makes a couple of points that either mean this isn’t the same thing as the google thing, or “attestation on the web” isn’t DRM, or something else. So far as I can interpret the article, it seems to suggest the feature is “is this a safari device on ios, if yes then skip captcha” but that seems to be up to the website’s discretion.
There is only one Star Wars movie.
The rest is fanfic. Huge, corporate fanfic.
It’s true, the real star wars kid is way healthier than this guy. Billionaire is a kind of disease.
In a world . . . in which one man spends 45 Billion dollars to destroy a global communications juggernaut in the most assinine, ridiculous ways ever . . . It’s . . . The Rebrandening!
I mean, if he bought Coca-Cola and replaced sugar with vinegar, it’d be news, right?
Cardinal Scum: Lord Google! Our Premium service is only making 8.5 Billion net profit per year, a miserable increase of 25% from last year!
Lord Google: These peasant eyeballs have disappointed me. Force the plebians to ingest propaganda as in the olden times! And as for the so-called-Premium subs . . . we will crush their purchasing power!
Cardinal Scum: Yes Lord Google! Brilliant!
Lord Google: Muwahhahahahahah!!!
Cardinal Scum: (hesitantly) Heh heh . . hee heee heeh hehehehh yesssss . . yes