Reminds me of the game Contraband Police that used Cyrillic Соитяaьаид on the poster which reads “Soityaa’aid Police”
Reminds me of the game Contraband Police that used Cyrillic Соитяaьаид on the poster which reads “Soityaa’aid Police”
Pinocchio grabbing his lying nose with both hands
Office job but working my way up to a dumpster life
It was the formal “you” that could refer to one or more people. Kind of like “Sie” in German.
Alright Uralic language family, you can stop bragging now.
I read the r in purses as an s at first but the joke still worked
Only classic rock, country, and blues are manly? I didn’t know metal, rap, and military marches were for little girls
Nick Mullen is my best friend
I think I only know one shitty Karen in my life and the rest are great
This is my friend Fred. JP likes playing basketball and gardening. I met Morgan 5 years ago and JP has been my best friend ever since.
Punctuation is the difference between helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.
Most of Battlefield Earth is shot diagonally and no one has complained about that fine film
I was born in America and had to do absolutely nothing to be better off than at least 3 billion people. I’m very lucky and this system is completely unfair
I’ve been away awhile but I haven’t been using reddit either which is probably the best outcome tbh
It’s weird how the babies are just scaled down adults and don’t have baby features like big eyes
Gendered articles probably not but having “a” vs “the” removes the need for additional cases (eg. I/me/my). Latin and Russian don’t have articles but they have more cases which have different suffixes that have to be applied to all nouns. Usually simplifying one part of language makes another part more complex. English has a very simple case structure but the word order is much more strict
Not pictured: the giant, shitty looking pile of rubble under them.
They just blasted chunks off the mountain and left the mess behind