Being distracted by a live stream while cutting people off, speeding, running red lights and ignoring police roadblocks while driving a lorry from Spain through the UK to France
Being distracted by a live stream while cutting people off, speeding, running red lights and ignoring police roadblocks while driving a lorry from Spain through the UK to France
Does anyone know if firewalls like OPNSense can do IPS for ads and tracking instead of “normal” intrusions like malware?
How would that be different from other countries? Would there be too many cultural similarities?
I ran my 1060 just fine for a few year. Nvidia has an official, but proprietary driver that might not run well on some distro’s. Personally I haven’t had any issues, though it would be better to stick with xorg and not wayland. Wayland support on nvidia I’ve heard isn’t great, but it does work
You are indeed correct