Freedom of Movement is a human right! Everywhere. For everybody. In every direction!
Freedom of Movement is a human right! Everywhere. For everybody. In every direction!
Wow, you could be the most ignorant moron I’ve ever met on the Internet. And the competition is tough.
I mean, there are a lot of people who just read the headline and then talk nonsense. But you’re pushing the system very far.
I’ll try again:
If the headline said “Germany seizes the money of the Jews”, with an article, that would mean that all Jews’ money is seized.
But if it says “Germany seizes Jew’s money” (or “Germany seizes Jewish money”), then nothing is said about the number of Jews whose money was seized. It could be two or all of them.
You claim that in the second case all Jews’ is meant because you found an article that says that articles are often(!) omitted in headlines. Exactly, often is not always! That’s why you don’t know at first glance whether the article was omitted here or whether it doesn’t belong there at all. Since Germany has not seized the money of all Jews (because we would have heard of that!), it can only be that the money of some Jews was frozen; so the article is missing grammatically correct.
But really surprising is that you claim to be pro-Palestinian. I am happy about that, at least we have something in common. I just feel a little sorry for the Palestinians that they have to endure someone like you in their ranks of advocates. You can’t choose, can you?
You don’t seem to have the slightest idea about the association “Jewish Voice (for a just peace in the Middle East)” nor about Germany.
The point that the Jewish Voice makes in its report is this: They accuse Germany of exhausting its anti-Antisemitism by parroting racist Israeli propaganda and suppressing pro-Palestinian statements, to the point of the absurdity that even Jews are declared anti-Semitic if they are pro-Palestinian.
The Jewish Voice’s account was most likely frozen because they used it collecting donations to fund the pro-Palestinian Palestine Conference in Berlin, Germany (in case that’s not clear yet), which is intended to provide the Palestinian voices with a larger space in the German discourse.
This is how the basic rights of Palestinians and their allies are being undermined by Germany.
You must be proud of making anti-Semitic attacks on allies of the Palestinians.
That’s in no way a reason why the woman should not be allowed to enter the EU.
It’s just one of those stupid things rightwingers tell people who are against shooting refugees at the border or letting migrants drown in the Mediterranean.
So again, why should this woman be rejected at the border of EU?
86% of the networks can infiltrate the legal economy
What about the other 14%, why can’t they do it. I thought it’s a free country appreciating entrepreneurship.
“I take Jews’ money.” means I take money from people who are Jewish.
As even your example shows, if I want to say that I take it from all the Jews, the wording should be the(!) Jews
But what pisses me off is: I am convinced that we’re having this stupid conversation just because you, like German media and authorities, are okay with shutting up pro-Palestinian voices, even or especially when they are Jewish.
No, it isn’t.
I didn’t see that footage. If it’s really existing and not just a rumour generated by the Israeli propaganda machine (you know, like the beheaded babies and the mass rape and the playing ball with cut-off breasts shit), I would consider it a proof of the enormous hatred that many Palestinians bear in their hearts for Israeli people.
Israel’s leadership is trying to make us believe that this hatred is just part of the Palestinian culture. They try to keep us from empathizing with them.
But human beings are able to commit the most horrific crimes against others and against humanity, we all know that.
The Hamas atrocities and the Israeli narrative of why the atrocities on the October 7 happened of the conflict in general are omnipresent in the German discourse.
The Israeli narrative about the legitimacy of the state of Israel has even become part of our raison d’état.
I think that the German public has a right to learn about the Palestinian narrative of that matter. In fact I am convinced that it is nearer to the historical truth (as I learned from Israeli historians like Avi Shlaim or Ilan Pappé). It’s even nearer to common sense than the Israeli one.
So there seems to be a valid reason why German authorities and you seem so eager to shut up Palestinian voices.
But it’s not right and it proposes and supports Antisemitism.
It will be “solved”, but the case is time sensitive because they need the money to support a pro-Palestinian conference in April.
And they collected donations for that purpose. So them and me suspect the bank to use that purpose as pretext to freeze the money.
And of course nobody is doing that to them out of Antisemitism. They’re being accused of being Antisemites on the cause of being pro-Palestinian.
Our anti-Antisemitism is just pro-Israelism. An ideology which promotes and supports Antisemitism.
And using that ideology to harass Jews looks like an extra perfidious Antisemitism to me.
So why should this woman from Morocco not come here? What’s the reason behind that ruling you support so passionately. You claim it’s not racist/fascist. So give us the reason.
It’s not only “Europe bad”. It’s more like the Europeans all over world (call them white if you want) feeling entitled to behave like shit against the rest of the world. Committing genocide in every country they like to settle themselves.
And that’s not the past, that’s how we rule the world until today. And every day we prove to the world that our accomplishments like democracy or human rights are not for Non-Europeans.
You’re right, Europe did horrific things.
But migration for the pursuit of happiness (like a job and education for your children) isn’t a horrific thing. At all! It’s just normal human behavior since the beginning of time.
In the contrary, comparing it with committing genocide after genocide, like you do, is a horrific thing.
Freedom of movement is a human right! Everywhere. For everyone. In every direction!
You mean like the European followed the rules of the local peoples when they went to conquer the world, right?
Or you mean, if you have the power and weaponry you can do whatever you want to other peoples and noone can judge you.
Wise words, you must be a wise guy.
I would say it is. Freedom of movement is a human right. Everywhere. For everybody. In every direction.
You know, for several centuries now took it as our god given right to go wherever we want, take what we want, settle where we want.
And extreme few European immigrants bothered with learning the languages of the indigenous people or adjusting to their customs and traditions.
So I consider this a time to give back and that we don’t have any right to turn this people away.
And our behavior is the perfect prove that we’re still the same assholes that we’ve been throughout history, and us talking human rights and democracy is just bullshitting around.
No, it doesn’t.
Well, the bank is owned by the state 100%. And the money is needed to fund a conference that’s trying to give the Palestinian narrative a platform.
The Palestinian narrative is btw far more in line with international law and with the findings of international human rights groups and historians (including Israeli human rights groups and historians) and even with common sense.
Therefore Germany (even more than the rest of the Western world) is quite eager to shut it up. But just as the support of Israel is our raison d’état, we want to be seen as if democracy and human rights are our raisons d’état equally.
So, like Israel plausibly committing genocide and ethnical cleansing and collective punishment, Germany is still at the stage of using pretexts and henchmen to do the dirty work of anti-democratically sabotage pro-Palestinian participation in German society’s discourse.
The bank in question (Sparkasse) btw manages the account of the right-wing extremist party Heimat (former NPD), too. I wonder if they had to provide every member’s name, too. What do you think?
They took away the Jewish Voice’s right of disposal of the account precisely at a time when they urgently need it. While giving quite shady reasons for doing so. So I think, at least as far as we’re not talking in legal terms here, seizing is definitely a proper word to call it. Especially when used by the victims of that treatment.
Who are Jews in Germany lest you forget. And I would like to remind you of the fact, that it’s ‘the Jews’ that we have a moral duty (acquired by the murder of millions) to protect from injustice, not just ‘the Jews who spread rightwing extremist Israeli government propaganda’.
People who don’t give a shit about Palestinian rights and lives defend Jewish Voice’s treatment by the Sparkasse. But obviously they‘d rather just ignore it. Which works pretty fine throughout German politics and media. So I consider you having to defend it (at least here on social media) a little success for the Palestinian cause.
Only Ireland somewhat eases my shame at being European.
Nobody said it was confiscated, you’re just making that up. The money is being seized according to the headline. While inside the article the word frozen is being used.
Äh, isn’t what the headline describes exactly what happened?
For centuries, the Jews in the Middle East had lived in peace with their Muslim, Christian, Druze or Yazidi neighbors.
Many of them had sought refuge in that region many generations earlier at the invitation of Turkish and Arab rulers after being brutally expelled from the Iberian peninsula by Christians.
But strangely, as soon as a small minority of European Jews with typical European arrogance, ignorance and zero respect for the local culture began to present themselves as the only legitimate representatives of worldwide Jewry and to expel (almost) all Arabs (except the Jewish ones) from Palestine with brutal violence, tensions arose between the resident Jews and the non-Jewish majority society in the neighboring Arab states.
Who could have guessed something like this? BOO! Ugh! Evil, barbaric, backward, anti-Semitic Arabs!
But simultaneously it was a big relief for the Zionist government of early Israel. Even if it was only backward Arab Jews who came, second-choice Jews so to speak, they were urgently needed to get the new state up and running without Palestinians.
There simply weren’t enough European Jews left to replace the attainted and expelled native Arabs. But remembering their own expulsion plus the corresponding brainwashing and birth rate, the Arab Jews actually became the spearhead of aggressive Zionism.
There are many peoples on earth who don’t have their own state. Regardless of religion, however, no one would come up with the idea of supporting one of these peoples in its attempt to choose a country, expel the native people and establish its own state on their land.
The idea per se is only not totally ridiculous for those being stuck in the racist European ideology of the 18th or 19th century.
Apart from that, people have always persecuted, fought and massacred each other, completely independent of religion.
Zionists began immigrating to Palestine over 100 years ago. They did NOT do ANYTHING of what we rightly expect of immigrants today. That is to say, they did not adapt to the culture of the locals or at least learn the local language any more than other European immigrants to other countries in the world have ever done. The Europeans in general still do not do it up to this day, to be honest, we only demand it of those who want to immigrate to our countries.
Since 1967, Israel, as an occupying power, has been the government in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in practice and under international law. This means that all the duties that a government has, you know, increasing the benefits and preventing harm, etc., are the duties of the State of Israel towards the people of the occupied territories.
In the 67 years since the Six-Day War, has Israel done anything to fulfill these duties? What did Israel do during this time to avert harm to the population of the occupied territories and, for example, to improve the prosperity, security, freedom, health care and educational opportunities of the people living there?
In fact, it was the changed awareness and the changed policy in those states where Jews had been particularly intensely persecuted that significantly improved the security of Jews worldwide after the Second World War. And it was (and is) the racist expansionist policy of the Zionists and the State of Israel that reduces this increase in security, both in the State of Israel and for Jews worldwide.
Jewish and Israeli identity are intertwined
No, they are not. But that is exactly what Israeli propaganda is trying to make you believe.
And because German politicians and media are cowards, they simply repeat Israeli propaganda when it comes to issues concerning the Jewish people or Israeli issues.
For this reason, the following Jews and Jewish organizations have probably never been invited to a German talk show or as experts on Jewish or Israeli issues:
Gideon Levy, Breaking the Silence, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappé, Avi Shlaim, Max Blumenthal, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Simone Zimmerman, Jewish Currents, Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JJP), IfNotNow, Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, Never Again Action, Independent Jewish Voices (IJV)
Watch them, read them.
I am convinced that this bias in German media is one of the main reasons for the increasing anti-Semitism in Germany.
When the only Jews you are shown are ardent supporters of an oppressive apartheid state that commits genocide and/or ethnic cleansing, and when that state presents itself as the core of Jewish identity, it is just too easy to conflate Jewish and Zionist and Israeli identities.
I think it would solve a lot of issues, at least in the long run.