“More presidential.”
“More presidential.”
I personally like the theory that they caught him using five eyes data, and skip the step where they write “US citizen” in the transcripts
“ let’s get you a scrum-rifle and see what you can do to improve your stats.”
Well, clearly you are not a bot on reddit then.
Adam something is such a strange name, too.
I would suspect it’s a humility issue. It’s a constant challenge, for me at least, to be vulnerable about my weaknesses and not be bull-rushed by other men seeing an opportunity to push me down. Fortunately I’m the boss now, so I can set an example that I can be wrong and trust others to say I’m right, or step back and admit a weakness that another can cover.
We’re going to break the table into two teams: team 1 will research the value of the asteroid for space construction, and team 2 will research the fees we can charge world governments not to accidentally drop the asteroid on their country.
We need to shore up all the porn instances for the coming wave of users - it only makes sense that’s what they’d wall off.
I consider it a great business tactic to hire the good people from my competitors for $2 more, treat them well, and then watch the competition slowly flame out and crash.
I’ve got to admit, a girl makes that face at me, I’m going to walk up and start explaining the plot of Krull (1983) for as long as she can hold it. If she makes it through the whole thing I’m pretty sure we’re legally married.
Very good show, both seasons. I recommend it.
Long dated puts will be sooooo expensive
Yeah I got an offer on my account, too. I’m starting to feel like they’re profiling.
I’m pretty sure wsb will short the fuck out of it, lose money in the initial rise, then someone will make a few million in the death spiral
I’m sure they mean that in the “undead” context.
Is it insider trading if wsb members short the stock, then make controversial content that frightens investors away?
I mean Tim, if you wanted me to stop using maps you could have just asked, you didn’t need to insert ads.