Clancy Brown does Lex Luthor for DC and Mr. Krabs from Spongebob.
Clancy Brown does Lex Luthor for DC and Mr. Krabs from Spongebob.
Iirc, the rough delineation is if you remember the challenger disaster = gen x, 9/11 = millennial, covid = gen z, after that = gen alpha.
are you trying to say “exempted”?
Calcifer is the fire demon from Howl’s Moving Castle - I’d guess it’s a reference to that?
Cars have been all metric since the mid-80s IIRC, to better standardise them for international sales. The Ranger was really a Mazda B-series, so it’s definitely metric.
I’d swap out Roosevelt for Nixon - Teddy’s interventionism set us on a bad path, but at least we got national parks and antitrust laws out of it. Nixon was just pure shit show start to finish.