It would be silly to acknowledge US imperialism and ignore China’s Belt and road imperialism.
I don’t ignore China’s act. In fact I acknowledge both. It’s normal that some powerful countries would want to exert control upon others. The question is their methodologies and how long can they sustain the approval.
The only difference is those manufactured islands that are designed to expand China’s landmass
Yeah, none of the SEA countries are happy with this. But they’re dependent on the relationship and they don’t have the capacity to resist. The best they can do is, “We’ll solve this diplomatically”. I think what’s currently happen with Philippines with will set the precedence for the future as they have gone beyond just claiming the territory.
I wonder what you think about the Chinese concept of the “central kingdom”…
I don’t know much about this. need to read more on this.
BTW, in no such way that I say that I supported what China does. But I try to convey the sentiment towards them is not just one sided. You’re knowledgeable enough that you understand this, but some people are in denial that they think that the whole world is united to go against the oppressive China when in reality China has been slowly gaining support in non-traditional places such as in African continent for example (let’s not touch about it just to keep it short). If the best line of defence is by shouting ‘China is a fascist country’, like what sub-OP has done, that’s now not going to work for obvious reason.
And I think I need to correct my words earlier - For me, unlike the US, the Europe are still friendly in the way the treat their relationship with China. However, we can see that at one point, one has to take side, or least becoming neutral. These coming years we’ll be seeing more and more issues being brought up to set the tone for the future.
I have to admit that I downvote this because I have to google for a non-existent term ‘Faschists’. No heart feeling.