Blackmail. You can have your “shorts” back after I win first place at the town fair.
Blackmail. You can have your “shorts” back after I win first place at the town fair.
Could just call it ‘twinking’
Y’know, like tweaking…but with thigh highs
The way you talk about photography, I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t take you up on that
I’ll keep it in mind :)
I need someone to sit me down and tell me what all the words mean. Though I suppose the best way to do it would be to poke the thing and see what changes. If I’m good at anything, that’s definitely one of them. I have changed and broken my operating system more times than I’m comfortable admitting to
I gotta admit I know absolutely nothing about photography outside of ‘click the little button and magic happens’ but I read every word. Now I kinda want to pick it up, but I need to stick with my current hobby at the moment.
I consent to any and all info dumps
Of course
Make sure to practice safe info dumping. Make sure your partner has plenty of water and snacks as you go on yet another tangent that’s vaguely associated with what you were originally talking about.
OKAY FINE I’ll learn rust