It’s from some game, I remember downloading it on but cannot remember the name at the moment.
Justa she/her girl in a weird weird world
Speaks: se,en,fr
Queer asf, vegan, GNU fangirl, libertarian socialist
It’s from some game, I remember downloading it on but cannot remember the name at the moment.
John Oovoojaver
They didn’t. The rootkit just does not run on mac, they disable it entirely for that client.
On a more serious note - check your local laws. My contract said I’m not allowed to have pets, but where I live you cannot deny your tenants that right, so that part is void. A lot of neighbors also have pets, so it’s very much fine.
Maybe try Qwant?
Ah, that makes sense! I’m not too familiar with Catholicism, thus my ignorance.
Upvote for Latin, but why is it dative case? I would write it as “urbs et orbis”, but I haven’t studied a lot of Latin, so I may be missing something :)
Menstrual clown nudity is an interesting and unusual combination of words.
I like Reaper, and there are tons of others, but they are different DAWs ofc. What I’m saying is that there are tons of alternatives if you want to learn another program.
Witch cooperatives would be pretty rad, though :D
Yeah, sometimes people use loli stuff which is definitely a red flag for pedo behavior IMHO, but posting with a MILF is quite literally the opposite xd.
Omg their eggs are heart shaped! 🥰❤️😊
I formatted all my C code in High School with the GNU style. I’m not sure my teacher even read the code :P
I mostly write Lisp today, but that GNU style still has a special place in my heart. As long as it’s automatically formatted, I’m fine with whatever style, though.
Check my comment. Democratic socialism is correct here. Social democracy is what you’re explaining.
I think they got democratic socialism confused with social democracy (which is understandable given the similar names). The difference is that democratic socialism is… well, socialism and that social democracy is just liberalism with a social safety net.
(Side-note: Socialism is in essence about organizing the economy democratically so the fact that tankies have coopted the term to also mean totalitarian state capitalism unless democratic is added as a prefix is such a shame.)