I’m not seeing any font
tags, sonny. You can’t have a real web page without <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="3" COLOR="red">Welcome!</FONT>
I’m not seeing any font
tags, sonny. You can’t have a real web page without <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="3" COLOR="red">Welcome!</FONT>
Personally I suspect that a significant amount of the negativity on Reddit really was was organized by state actors in order to sow division. The constant ageism, for instance, always struck me as suspect. Someone would inevitably bring up how awful boomers were no matter how irrelevant it was to the discussion.
It’s really hard to fathom how Google’s decision makers don’t understand that in addition to being confusing, their failure to settle on one messaging app makes them look stupid and flaky in the eyes of average users. This isn’t some niche app for specialists that Google can get away with killing because the user base is relatively small. The general public uses instant messaging all day every day, and after having Google pull the football away two or three times, they’re just going to decide to use something that’s going to stick around instead.
Palm Pilots seemed so futuristic back then.