To me seems to be people that think that the evil imperialist actions of countries that claim(ed) to be Communist are excused by the evil imperialist actions of the USA.
Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora
To me seems to be people that think that the evil imperialist actions of countries that claim(ed) to be Communist are excused by the evil imperialist actions of the USA.
Why? The 12 days of Christmas go until January 5-6 😉
Nothing is sacred in Brazilian culinary.
Pineapple is probably one of the tamest pizza toppings in my region, which ironically has one of the largest Italian populations.
Yes, it’s not always effective, but it’s nice when it does work.
I find that using this kind of language can be very effective in disarming online arguments that are becoming aggressive.
Like the “joke” that putting 3 leftists in a room results in 5 parties.
Putting 3 Linux people in a room results in 5 distros?
As someone whose contact with English is mostly by reading, this made me sure I’m likely pronouncing a bunch of words wrong in my mind.
I like to think that anything that CAN be art, if it can be meaningful for someone.
A pebble might be ignored by most people, but a geologist might be fascinated by it, I think that becomes art.
Even in something worked-on at the very least the artist is the observer, and they will put into it the meaning they perceive in it, and if they never share with anyone it’s still art.
My opinion.
While I think it’s extremely overhyped, looking at some “AI” art communities it’s clear that at least some put a lot of effort on it, going over many many iterations and tweaking the program and the results.
And anyway art is “made” by the observer, not the artist, even the results of natural processes can be art.
(AI in quotes because these tools don’t deserve the name, at best High Coherence Media Transformers)
Frutiger Aero from Windows Vista and 7 was the peak of UI design.
Hello from Mastodon
Lemmy makes it a bit easier to make competing communities. If enough people get angry at bad mods in a community they will migrate.
This already happened in Reddit, but competing communities had different names, and Lemmy also allows to escape bad admins and sites/instances.
The problem with Paul is that people see “Law Paul” and ignore “Grace Paul”.
When Paul talks about law and rules he means for people to look into themselves and see their own failings, not unlike John the Baptist, and see their own need of Jesus’ grace, not to condemn other people.
He even declares himself as the worst of sinners.
And he also shares Jesus’ view that the law should be interpreted as to protect people.
And it’s not even pro-wealth, at most it’s “maybe He meant it’s just very very hard instead of impossible”. And then pretend it can be ignored.
Also, there’s no such thing as “unbiased”, it’s more constructive if people are upfront and honest about their biases, but that takes self-reflection and self-knowledge.