I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.
One of the fundamental issues is that it’s just people.
People are going to talk about things like people do, and just because it ends up looking like Reddit or whatever doesn’t mean that this is a bad thing.
It just means that format is one of the ways that people tend to communicate.
Because your body will burn calories warming them back up.
I have a loops account but I have not been able to upload a video in over a month, it fails on every single attempt.
I say a lot of people get posters madness.
They get so addicted to the dopamine feedback of upvotes and follower counts and occasionally actual money that they abandon themselves in hopes of becoming exactly the person that will get them the most dopamine feedback.
Everyone that participates in social media suffers from it to a small degree but there is a threshold upon which it can turn you into a p-noid zombie, which is typically right around the fame threshold.
The only way back is for your entire profile and sometimes career to come crashing down around you.
The ambassador or the guy that wrote The wheel of Time series?
I don’t know. I think Mac gets a lot of hate simply because it’s a Unix that was sold to the devil and comes with a satanic concierge service.
Like, I’m not saying that selling your soul to the devil is possible but if I had to pick a handful of people that on the whole I would say probably did I would pick Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Elon musk, Jeffrey bezos, Larry Page, Vladimir Putin, and probably every Hollywood social elite and musician that sells a platinum record, every Republican senator, congress person, and every president after Jimmy Carter, and every CEO whose company is worth more than 10 million dollars who didn’t inherit the company from their parents.
That’s absolute bullshit. I’ve never met anyone who turned their bully into a friend while they were still in school together.
How is it that so many companies can literally skin another company and wear its skin as a bodysuit and we do not collectively recoil in psychological horror?
How are so many people germane to this concept?
This is invasion of the body snatchers but for companies that determine the livelihood of essentially every human being on the planet. It’s fucking terrifying.
Yep. If you want to get woo-woo about it it is kind of interesting that the Bible says that we are the light of the world and when measured with appropriately sensitive scientific equipment it turns out we glow.
Not trying to push an agenda, just commenting on the connections that my mind makes.
I used to have one pop up ever so often on my neck, which was weird because up until a few years ago I didn’t even grow facial hair.
Just like overnight all of a sudden I would have a 2-in long white hair sticking out of my neck.
Humans emit photons as well, but very few of them, making it almost impossible for them to be detected except with special detection systems (I don’t know what they’re called).
I feel like you’re overlooking the death of the culture.
That’s what colonialism is really about.
If it were just sharing space and technology and advancement then nobody would have any problems with colonialism.
Colonialism extinguishes culture.
Every single space that has been monopolized by a billionaire has had its culture extinguished.
But it is colonialism. There are virtual spaces that are currently occupied by native inhabitants and deep pocket billionaires are literally bulldozing their way into the space, evicting the current tenants, and then exploiting that space for its resources.
I don’t think there is a better term for it than colonialism.
Would it matter if it were communist colonialism? I don’t think so. The result is the same. The space is disrupted, the native inhabitants are displaced, the resources are exploited.
They only look that way thanks to explosive decompression. Most blobfish are pulled up too quickly and end up expanding like that. At their normal pressures they look like almost any other fish.
On my feed, immediately below this post was this link:
Books-A-Million and Barnes & nobles have one advantage, people that really like books like picking up the books and looking at them. It also helps that you can usually get coffee and read your acquisitions and there are board games and all sorts of things that they sell to kind of balance out the mix.
If they had come up with a good interface.
There are a couple of stores that I have seen that used to be brick and mortar or catalog based and made the transition to online but their website is terrible.
McMaster-Carr comes to mind. I’m never really sure if I have found the part I’m looking for whenever I shop on their website.
Maybe it’s a skill issue, sure, but online shopping should not require an onboarding process.
I don’t know. I got to play with a virtual boy once and honestly for the time it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t good.
Nobody wanted to stare at Red lasers play a video game, but the technology itself had potential.
Guaranteed this guy is also like, “We should execute child molesters in the most horrific way imaginable! We should drag them into the town square and strip their skin off with tiny razors and then boil them in drain cleaner until they die!”
But at the same time thinks that arming women for self defense is “a bad idea, not gonna go well, lot of innocent rapists getting murdered” smdh