Hahaha! It was a good bet on my part.
You clearly haven’t met all of my friends.
Fair point, but I still need a quick way to tell people about upcoming funerals. On the plus side, I’m between the wave of friends’ baby photos and the wave of grandbaby photos. Which is nice.
I don’t integrate it with anything else, but facebook remains my best option for getting current contact info for anybody from my past. Even after the enshittification, it remains an effective Rolodex. Rolodex…I am old.
Amber pairs very well with retsina.
The bones are their money, so are the worms!
I did a Sweet 16 bracket elimination contest for regional IPAs a few years back just to force myself to identify the ‘good’ ones and eliminate bad ones. Even after doing that, I do a little dance any time there’s something else available.