Printers. Desk phones. Wmi service crashing at full core lock under the guise of svchost.
Printers. Desk phones. Wmi service crashing at full core lock under the guise of svchost.
I just asked google that exact question and it said “The current world population is 8,171,661,997”
I bet to Japanese people it’ll age weirdly with the references it kept making to politicians and actors of the time.
I really enjoyed it when it wasn’t trying to be a shonen jump anime. My favourite episodes like the Nabe Shogun bottle episode, or the several lazy animator episodes either with the drawing quality rock bottom or the paralysis with no animation at all.
I used to watch it on a service called something like animeftw or something that’s no longer around on an xbox xbmc setup. So much nostalgia when I see screen caps.
I ended up reading it on bleeping computer since the linked site looks like an auto tldr bot saved 50% of the words. The important 50% was discarded.
Ah yep that makes sense though I’m following now
Oh okay, I see… Or rather, I see I don’t understand lol
Wait so, if your kettle fails, your fridge loses power for example?
That would surely only power a single circuit (due to isolation) and if you have to be selective, a critical circuit like your fridge isn’t really likely to have a wall port on the same circuit near where you’d happily have your fume emitting generator…
I’m no electrician but I’ve generally installed automatic transfer switches (ATS) for mine site server cabinets that then power UPS racks and the transfer switch automatically or manually can switch from mains to generator if mains power goes out (which at a mine is all the time). I feel like a similar and safe system must exist for homes. Or something no different to switching solar to grid and back.
But again, not an electrician.
I checked too, it’s not a valid public DNS record, so then the question is, does Oktas internal DNS resolve this. Even if it does, how does okta even sit in this? Are they the identity provider for Twitter? Surely even if it’s identity, it’s got nothing to do with content moderation? So many questions.
I knew a Datacenter that had hundreds of ps3s for rendering fluid simulation and other such things that at the time were absolutely cutting edge tech. I believe F1 and some early 3d pixar stuff was rendered on those farms. But like all things, technology marched on. fpgpas and cuda have taken that space.
Cell definitely was heavily used by specialist/nichr industry though.
I wonder if I can find you some link to explain it better than the rumours I heard from staff that used to work in those datacentres.
Hmm hard to find commercial applications, probably individuals might have blogged otherwise here’s what I’m talking about:
Ah you’re thinking I’m reading your other comments to other people.
BTW HIPAA is for providers for their patients information handling. Once it’s in the person’s hands, it’s no longer under HIPPA and it no longer applies. If you decide to put your private medical information on a commercial advertisement board on a highway, and it’s not breaking laws to do with acceptable adcertisement (eg gore or smut) you’ll be able to do that to.
Basically theres no expectation for a individual person to adhere to HIPPA for their own personal information storage and it doesn’t apply.
My assumption with your lawyer comment, is this was a insurance or otherwise medical malpractice lawyer who might collect this information for their client cases, since without having client/patient requirements, HIPPA is irrelevant.
The moment a lawyer saves their medical records in a way that unintentionally and without their consent uploads them to OneDrive, they have a pretty solid case to charge Microsoft for a HIPAA violation
Are we talking about the same comment?
You should be, if you’re in a work computer with privileged documents, controlling it with an appropriate level of care. No matter Linux or Windows. If you’re using home and defaults, you’ve failed no matter what.
Totally feasible to use onedrive.
However I’ve got no sympathy for even a small business to use IT without someone configuring their system in a way that controls this. A lawyer of all people know that knowledge is worth something.
What do you do with Home Assistant?
“Oh well I automate a noise complaint form submission. It’s integrated with my noise level detector and with a custom python lookup for the most recent airplane departure”
(that guy probably)
Quitting Vim is called ‘escaping’ because it was designed to be a trap and you’ve escaped. Congratulations to everyone who has.
My favourite thing is that files are sorted automatically by date if you use yyyy-mm-dd. Sometimes there are just practical reasons.
If you didn’t learn it only for this project, that cost is already sunk regardless.
Either way the post itself contains the answer for those who haven’t already sunk that cost.