Yeah, and blasters are pretty clumsy weapons
Yeah, and blasters are pretty clumsy weapons
it’s bloatware
I’ve heard there was a secret cord that david pulled and it pleased the lhord
Probably, but most i’ve seen are AV. I still use an old SUN monitor, so VGA is alive and well here
look hard enough
Any box of cords in any basement, attic, or thrift store
it’s so readable. Unironically can be super helpful
RMS became a meme once for eating his tonail at a conference
In all this printer talk… Shout out for dot matrix printers! As long as I send ascii, it prints exactly what I want it to, and graphics are a predictable format detailed in the printer manual
this essay by Huey P Newton is pretty good about anarchism being good theory, but typically counterproductive in caste societies like US
In the early days, it was laborwave and esoteric websites, the programmer humor seems relatively new to me
Depends on what you do. my daily driver is a $20 x200. works great for my needs. But I don’t game