Won’t happen because why would they do that
Won’t happen because why would they do that
A lot of electricity is still made with fossil fuels and new cars (even electric) are worse for the environment than buying used
On top of that China is trying to get rid of competition with subsidies
It’s not as black and white as you think
Trained on 99% reposts
You don’t usually get CTE while working in a library
Ah age-gate but it’s a maximum age to watch porn instead
I would too if anti cheat worked on Linux
I mean how else are you supposed to remind yourself you are rich, ofc you need a biweekly watch tuning appointment
I think because “Pssst” not sure though
In order to make you walk around the store more giving you more opportunities to buy stuff you didn’t intend to buy
Also universal healthcare can afford specialized equipment because the amount of people they would service is higher than the profit driven hospital
Rather than the current system of specialized equipment still having to make profit so treatment costs increase
Sadly a ton of games is just a small portion of the many games people like to play
“Well achtually thanks to the shouty math symbol you’re numbers are way huger”
(The bad spelling is intentional including but not limited to “you’re”)
Scifi is when you get shot by a blaster bolt
Fantasy is when you take an arrow to the knee
IMO it is the right way to do it (I know it isn’t in the US) You already do it for measurement symbols so why is it before when money is involved
Ofc, nearly everything is corrupt as well
In this scenario though I would just much rather have cleaner air than have the EU and the rest of the world moving the goalposts
Guess what, WHO is way more abouth health
So I would rather go in that direction
Much like the ripple effect of 9/11 it should start at 9:11 and then go on forever for some bizarre reason
Tbf just having do not touch with a finger on it works, so it could even be a 1 panel
The whole hanging out idea is such a mystery… why is it called that when they are neither hanging themselves or actually outside