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Good catch. Yes, messaging is an exception. I am not familiar with those others.
I think that tap-hold to select text and raise context menu is a function of every text-using app I’ve got.
Those are rather awkward options. Standard functionaliy is preferable, even with loss of markdown.
I think it’s a detail that the dev just hasn’t yet addressed.
On a similar note, by mobile lemmy client won’t let me copy test. Can’t even select it.
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I love these technical discussions. Just kicking each other in the nuts over and over.
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To be fair, the pro-work propaganda is directed at the middle of the bell curve. That guy in the middle has bespoke mindfuck beamed into his brain 24-7, but the guys on the ends are well out of the line of fire.
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Repeating “they are bad and dumb” ad nauseum is no way to inspire sane conversation. It’s just echo chamber circle jerk.